Share your voice: As a community, how can we end chronic homelessness?
Waterloo Region – The Region of Waterloo, the Social Development Centre Waterloo Region and community partners are looking for your ideas and feedback to create a plan to end chronic homelessness.
There are a number of ways you can provide your input:
Complete the online survey
The survey is open until July 28, 2023 and is available in multiple languages online. Print copies, accessible formats and communications supports are available upon request. Visit our Engage WR website to complete the survey or to request accessible formats.
Register for a virtual engagement lab
Sign up for one of two 30 to 45-minute virtual group labs where facilitators will guide participants through information-seeking activities. Space is limited. Sessions will run on July 11 and July 19, 2023. Register on the Engage WR site.
Use our discussion guide to host a community conversation
Host a discussion with your community group, local place of worship, neighbours or family supported with our information and questions to guide your conversations and then submit your comments. All instructions and contact information are outlined in the guide. Visit our Engage WR website to download your copy from our CommunityToolkit.
Visit our pop-up booth and chat with our street teams
Look for us at local events across the region.
Submit a question/comment online or by phone
Send an email to
Post a question or comment on the EngageWR page -
Call: (519) 575-4400, extension 5008
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608.
Interpreters are available in over 150 languages
Follow @ThePlanWR on social media
Join the conversation with #ThePlanWR and follow @ThePlanWR on Instagram and Twitter for updates.
The Plan to End Chronic Homelessness will be a roadmap of strategies, resources and timelines to end chronic homelessness in Waterloo Region. The creation of The Plan will be in community, by community, for community.
The Social Development Centre Waterloo Region is facilitating pilot projects led by lived experts. Overlap Associates is overseeing the broad-based community engagement.
A project update will be provided to Council in September 2023. The final report will be completed in late 2023.
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