Regional Council: Making decisions that matter - January 25, 2023

Posted on Wednesday January 25, 2023

With input from the community, Regional Council sets the direction for the Region as an organization and makes decisions that help improve the lives of Waterloo Region residents every day. Please refer to the minutes for an official record of the meeting. 

Region moves forward with new round of rapid housing funding

Council has authorized the Region to enter into a funding agreement with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation that will see new capital funding to invest into new affordable housing for vulnerable community members in Waterloo Region. The funding is from the federal government’s Rapid Housing Initiative – Cities Stream. Through the initiative, recipients must create new permanent affordable housing units within 18 months of signing the agreement with CMHC.

Surplus land in New Hamburg will support 29 new affordable housing units

Regional Council is progressing on its Building Better Futures strategy, dedicating another surplus property to affordable housing units. Council has supported the non-profit organization Love Your Neighbour Communities (LYNC) to develop a viable plan for new affordable and market rent units and community spaces at 34 Peel Street in New Hamburg. The commitment enables LYNC to apply for planning approval and funding, and to launch a public fundraising campaign. Wilmot is one of four townships that have expressed the need for more affordable housing options.

Next Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee selected

Council has appointed the next Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC). The committee works with local municipalities to create barrier-free communities and services. Members have experience in the field of disability, and are people with lived experience with disability issues. They provide vision and advice on removing barriers to services. The new committee members are:

Alyssa Clelland

Tamara Cooper

Sarah Cunneyworth

Heather Gillespie

Christine Nishiwaki

Farshid Sadatsharifi

Katherine Waybrant

Agency Representation – Brain Injury Association Waterloo Wellington


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