Region of Waterloo Moving to Step 2

Posted on Thursday July 08, 2021

Waterloo Region – The Region of Waterloo will move into Step 2 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen effective 12:01 a.m. on Monday, July 12, 2021.

“Our community has made a remarkable effort to protect each other. We’re working together to push back against the Delta variant, stabilizing our case rates and hospitalizations, while increasing vaccination rates,” Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, Medical Officer of Health. “Continuing to build on this momentum puts Waterloo Region on track not only to move to Step 2 on Monday but will help keep us on track for Step 3. With Delta still prevalent in our region, it remains very important, for each and every one of us, to continue practicing public health measures such as masking and distancing and to continue getting vaccinated. We cannot let up now.”

Since being designated a Delta hotspot in June, our vaccination rates have rapidly increased, with adults 18+ in our region having fist dose coverage increase from 58.6 per cent to 79.8 per cent and second dose coverage increased from 6.3 per cent to 45.0 per cent. The increase in vaccination rates and positive trends in other public health indicators have made it possible for us to move to Step 2.

“Our vaccine roll out is working and this is allowing us to safely move to Step 2 of the Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen on Monday,” said Regional Chair Karen Redman. “I know that delaying the move to Step 2 was difficult for residents, business and organizations throughout the Region of Waterloo, but it was a strategic decision and it allows us the best opportunity to re-open and stay open.”

“Our sights are now fully focused on entering Step 3 in line with the Province and to get there, we need to continue getting our first and second doses,” continued Chair Redman. “We continue to look for new ways for residents to get vaccinated and have an additional 20,000 appointments available this weekend at Bingemans Conference Centre thanks to our partnership with Bruce Power and the arrival of their Hockey Hub model. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to book your appointment for this weekend.”




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