Innovation Culture
Waterloo Region has one of the world's fastest growing tech sectors and the world's second highest start-up density after Silicon Valley. Innovation and entrepreneurship is encouraged by the University of Waterloo's policy that allows students to own and leverage their own intellectual property to create new companies. The Accelerator Centre and Communitech Hub are also two world-leading commercialization hubs that turn great ideas into successful businesses for talent and acquisitions.
The Toronto-Waterloo Region Corridor super-cluster has over six million people and is one of Canada's strongest economic regions, representing over 17 per cent of the national GDP. Together, the Corridor accounts for 20 per cent of Canada's university students, and 16 post secondary institutions, which include the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo. The access to human, intellectual, financial and physical capital from the finance and tech industry clusters is why the Toronto-Waterloo Corridor is Canada's main innovation driver.
See Exit Value Growth 13/14 vs 14/15 - As the 16th largest tech ecosystem in the world, the Toronto-Waterloo Region Corridor had the highest growth in the value of its assets (exit value).
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