Planning and Development Services

We oversee land-use planning, growth management and development in Waterloo Region. It is important balance between residential and employment development, while preserving the attributes that make our community special. 

Our partners

The Region works with the Cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo, the Townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich, as well as private land owners and the development industry. We work with these key stakeholders to provide a variety of programs and incentives to encourage the clean-up and redevelopment of vacant or underutilized properties. One of our goals is to promote more efficient use of our urban land and infrastructure.

The work we do is guided by key legislation and policy documents such as the Ontario Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, Places to Grow Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the Regional Official Plan.

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