
The Region offers a number of mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services and resources.

Interactive maps

 GIS Locator

An interactive mapping website that allows you to search by address or street name, view imagery and find services delivered in the Region.

ION Attracts

The ION Corridor is the fast growing urban spine of Waterloo Region, which is connected by ION Light Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit.  Check out this interactive Story Map for more information.

Map and data requests

Email GIS Services to purchase photos and maps, or call 519-741-4693. The Region no longer provides hard copy maps, but the pdfs below can be downloaded at no cost and printed where you choose.

Air photos
A total of 262 sheets cover the entire region.  Please refer to the Air Photo Grid Sheet Index for your appropriate tile. Digital versions of the air photos are also available. 
Base maps
The pdfs below can be downloaded at no cost and printed where you choose.

Base map directory

Bi-city map (scale 1:25,000)

Cambridge map (scale 1:12,000)

Cambridge map (scale 1:20,000)

Kitchener map (scale 1:12,000)

Kitchener map (scale 1:20,000) 

North Dumfries map (scale 1:25,000)

Region map (scale 1:60,000)

Region grayscale map (scale 1:60,000)

Region map (scale 1:100,000 )

Tri-city map (scale 1:25,000 )

Tri-city map (scale 1:50,000)

Waterloo map (scale 1:12,000)

Waterloo map (scale 1:20,000)

Wellesley map (scale 1:25,000) 

Wilmot map (scale 1:25,000)

Woolwich map (scale 1:25,000)

Digital data
Please see Open Data below for all digital data available to the public.

For data not available through open data, please contact GIS Services.

Open Data

Open data allows the public to access the Region’s data more easily and encourages innovation in the community. Open data is the free sharing of data to everyone to use. Check out the Region’s Open Data Portal to access our current datasets.

Map guides

Maps to regional buildings
Administration Headquarters, 150 Frederick St., Kitchener

Emergency Medical Services Headquarters, 120 Maple Grove Rd., Cambridge

Grand River Transit Headquarters/K-W Maintenance Depot, 250 Strasburg Rd., Kitchener

Schneider Haus, 466 Queen St. S., Kitchener

Mannheim Water Treatment Plant, 2069 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener

Operations Centre, 100 Maple Grove Rd., Cambridge

Public Health & Social Services, 99 Regina St. S., Waterloo

Public Health & Social Services, 150 Main St., Cambridge

Region of Waterloo Library Headquarters, 2017 Nafziger Rd., Philipsburg

Region of Waterloo International Airport, 4881 Fountain St. N, Breslau

Region of Waterloo Municipalities

Sunnyside Home, 247 Franklin St. N., Kitchener

Waterloo Region Emergency Services Training & Research Centre and Landfill, 925 & 1001 Erbs Rd., Township of Wilmot

Waterloo Regional Police Headquarters, 200 Maple Grove Rd., Cambridge

Contact Us