Policies, Planning and Guidelines

Take a look at our policies, planning and guidelines resources! Learn how you can help preserve our community for future generations.




Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport:

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing:

Provincially Legislated Planning and Financial Tools that can be used to conserve cultural heritage resources



Heritage Policies in the Regional Official Plan

The Regional Official Plan will guide the Region of Waterloo in directing growth and change over the next 20 years. Cultural heritage policies are included in the third chapter of this document.

Arts, Culture and Heritage Master Plan

This report includes recommendations and strategies for identifying, protecting, promoting and investing in arts, culture and heritage resources in Waterloo Region. This plan was accepted by Regional Council in October, 2002.

Archaeological Master Plan

This report includes an assessment of local archaeological resources, a summary of planning policies for known archaeological resources, map detailing the locations of known resources, and an investigation into the creation of an archaeological facility. The plan was accepted by Regional Council in 1989.


Regionally Significant Heritage Resources

The Region of Waterloo has evaluated and recognized a number of regionally significant heritage resources across the region. An 'Implementation Guideline for Conserving Regionally Significant Heritage Resources' has been developed to help municipal staff, developers, property owners and the public better understand the policies included in the Regional Official Plan (ROP).

In the fall and winter of 2017/2018 Regional Cultural Heritage Staff consulted the public and stakeholders for a Cultural Heritage Implementation Guideline.

For more information please contact: Bridget Coady at bcoady@regionofwaterloo.ca or 519-575-4500 x. 3112.

Cultural Heritage Landscape Conservation

The Region of Waterloo has developed an 'Implementation Guideline for Cultural Heritage Landscape Conservation', which provides guidance to development applicants, the Regional Heritage Planning Advisory Committee (HPAC), Municipal Heritage Advisory Committees (MHAC), and Regional and Area Municipal staff, in the conservation of significant Cultural Heritage Landscapes (CHLs) in Waterloo Region.

For more information please contact: Bridget Coady at bcoady@regionofwaterloo.ca or 519-575-4500 x3112.

Scenic Roads and Special Character Streets 

This document, prepared in 2011 with the support of the Heritage Planning Advisory Committee (HPAC), is a supplement to the Context Sensitive Regional Transportation Design Guidelines. It provides additional guidance and support to Regional staff when planning, designing, constructing and maintaining sections of Regional transportation corridors that have been identified as Special Character Streets or Scenic Roads.

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