Salons and Spas
Is it safe?
Spa and salon services are performed by staff who are required to take measures to protect you from infection. Infection can spread through blood or body fluids on dirty tools and work surfaces. Infections can be spread even when skin penetration does not happen.
All spas and salons are inspected by Public Health and they must meet the requirements of Ontario Regulation 136/18: personal Service Settings.
Watch this video to see what infection prevention standards should look like Public Health and You: Salon and Spa Safety Video.
Choosing a service
When choosing a service there a few things to keep in mind:
- Work stations should be clean, well-lit and organized
- Tools and equipment should be in good condition, clean and kept covered until ready for use
- All pre-packaged, pre-sterilized equipment must be opened at time of service in front of the client
- All reusable items (stainless steel tools, brushes, combs) must be cleaned and disinfected after each client
- The service provider should wash their hands before starting a service
- The service provider should use gloves if performing an invasive service or if contact with blood or body fluid is expected.
Refuse any service if you feel unsafe. If you suspect the salon or spa is not following infection prevention practices, file a complaint with Public Health.
Protecting yourself
- Make sure you have received your Hepatitis B vaccination
- Do not have a service performed if you have an infection on the area where work will be done
- Do not get a service performed if you have cuts or open wounds where the work will be done
- Ask the service provider questions about their infection prevention practices
Making a complaint
Call 519-575-4400 to make a complaint or report online.
Submit a complaint if you:
- Develop an infection after receiving a service at a spa or salon
- Have concerns about the infection prevention practices or the sanitary condition of a spa or salon
It is helpful for our investigation to know:
- When you went to the spa or salon
- Which services you received
- What symptoms (i.e. rash) you have and when they first developed
Seek medical attention immediately if you develop a rash, an infection or are feeling unwell after going to a spa or salon.
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