Sunnyside Campus

Sunnyside campus is a hub and a home for many older adults. We are a community in a park-like setting in Kitchener that offers programs and services, housing, and long term care.

An outbreak of an acute respiratory infection (ARI) has been declared for the Pioneer Tower home area at Sunnyside Home. Residents who develop symptoms will be isolated. Please see below for details.

If you have questions about visiting Sunnyside Home or special requests, please call 519-893-8494 extension 6868. Please subscribe to our webpage to stay informed.


An outbreak of an acute respiratory infection (ARI) has been declared for the Pioneer Tower home area at Sunnyside Home. Residents who develop symptoms will be isolated.

The following outbreak measures are in place for the Pioneer Tower home area:

  • Masks are required to be worn by all staff and visitors while on the outbreak home area. Masks are provided at the main entrance and at the entrance to Pioneer Tower.
  • Visitors may continue to visit one at a time in the resident’s room.
  • Pioneer Tower residents are asked to stay on the home area. If a resident needs to leave for an urgent reason, they should wear a mask if it can be tolerated.
  • If visiting with a resident in isolation, you must wear a mask, goggles, gloves and a gown.
  • Small group programs will continue on the outbreak home area
  • Staff who work on an outbreak home area are being co-horted to work only on that area

If you are visiting Sunnyside Home, please monitor yourself for symptoms and do not visit if you are feeling unwell. If the person you are visiting is experiencing symptoms, please report them to registered staff immediately.

Our infection control team will work with Public Health to work towards ending this outbreak as soon as possible. We will continue to provide updates to the outbreak and measures in place to support it. If you have questions about this information, please email, call 519-893-8494 extension 6868 or speak to the team leader.


Pandemic Response and Visiting Information 

We would like to remind visitors to monitor themselves for symptoms and not to visit if feeling unwell or cannot answer no to all questions on the COVID-19 screening tool. All preventative measures continue throughout the home and we will continue to provide updates if new information becomes available.

If you have questions about this information, please send us an email or call the Sunnyside hotline at 519- 893-8494 extension 6868.


Outbreak Protocols

Sunnyside Home has a COVID outbreak plan to reduce the risk of spread. When a resident or staff case of COVID-19 is identified, Sunnyside works closely with Waterloo Region Public Health to identify who that individual has been in contact with before their symptoms started or the individual tested positive. Residents and staff who are determined to be at higher risk are contacted and monitored for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. All staff and affected residents may be required to isolate at the direction of Public Health to prevent further spread of illness at Sunnyside or in the community.

Preventative measures remain in place to ensure the well being and safety of the people who live at Sunnyside and the staff who support them.

Screening and Surveillance Testing

All caregivers, support workers, volunteers and visitors must participate in passive screening. Screening questions will be posted at the main entrance. Please review and do not visit if you can not honestly answer no to all questions.

If your answer to any of the screening questions is "yes", please contact the Registered Nurse in charge at extension 6355 for the Kenneth Building or 6373 for the Franklin Building to discuss what steps you need to take to visit safely.

Visiting and connecting with residents at Sunnyside Home

We recognize that being able to connect with friends and family is essential to the emotional health and well-being of the residents of Sunnyside. 

Our team has developed a plan based on direction of the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care as well as Public Health to support opportunities to connect residents with family, friends and the community in a safe and meaningful way. Please review our Public Policy for Visiting.

As a visitor to Sunnyside Home, please do your part to protect residents from COVID-19 and other infections. Monitor yourself for symptoms, do not visit and get tested if you are feeling unwell. Please carefully review the information below before your visit to Sunnyside Home.

If you have any questions about this information, please call the Sunnyside COVID hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868.


Caregivers provide direct care and support to the resident, which may include assisting with meals, mobility, personal hygiene, cognitive stimulation and emotional support. Each resident and/or their substitute decision maker (SDM) may designate caregivers to provide this support. These visits are unscheduled.

The following protocols must be adhered to for designated caregivers:

  • All caregivers must pass screening before they enter Sunnyside Home. Please review the screening questions
  • If visiting a resident who is symptomatic or in isolation, the caregiver will wear personal protective equipment as directed by Public Health
  • Caregivers must complete a visitor sign in sheet at the main entrance before each visit
  • Caregivers are asked to practice hand hygiene upon entering the building, before exiting and frequently during the visit. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building
  • Caregivers must be 18 years or older
  • Caregivers must review Sunnyside Homes Visitor Policy and complete mandatory infection prevention and control training prior to visiting the Home

For more information, please contact a Team Leader, call the Sunnyside Hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868 or e-mail

Outdoor visits

Outdoor visitors are required to pass screening. Please do not visit outdoors if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any signs or symptoms of respiratory illness or COVID-19

These visits do not need to be scheduled.

General Visitors

A general visitor visits for social purposes and is not a designated caregiver.

General visitors may visit residents provided the resident is not in isolation and the home area is not in outbreak. General visitors must enter through the main entrance, pass screening and complete a visitor sign in form.

Essential visitors 

Essential visitors provide support a resident who is critically ill or nearing end of life or are contractors who provide critical care and services.

Family members with a loved one who is at the end of their life, is very ill or is in an emergency situation will be considered essential. If you have questions about whether this may apply to you, please contact your Team Leader.

The following protocols must be adhered to for essential visitors:

  • Essential visitors must pass screening. If visiting a resident who is symptomatic or in isolation, they will wear full personal protective equipment as directed by Public Health
 Day or Overnight Absences

Please contact the Team Leader or Registered Nurse at least 48 hours in advance to arrange for an absence.

The following requirements must be adhered to for day absences:

  • Please inform the team leader or Registered Nurse as soon as possible if a resident was in contact with someone who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 while they were away from the home
  • Staff will continue to monitor all residents daily to detect the presence of infection, including COVID-19
  • Visitors accompanying a resident on a short absence must follow the screening requirements
  • Staff will review public health recommendations with the resident and the person accompanying them prior to going out

If the home area is in outbreak or if the resident is in self-isolation, absences may be postponed at the direction of Public Health until such time that the outbreak is over, or the resident is out of self-isolation.

Other ways to connect 

We understand that you may want to connect with your loved one at Sunnyside and we hope that you will. In addition to the visits listed above, we would like to offer some support to keep you connected in other ways:

  • If you are unable to visit in person, we invite you to connect by Skype, FaceTime or Zoom. Call the Sunnyside Hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868 to arrange a video call
  • Send a letter by email to someone who lives at Sunnyside Home, we will be happy to share it with them. You can also send by mail to our address at 247 Franklin Street North, Kitchener ON. We encourage you to send photos and pictures along with your letters
Isolation and testing
  • Residents or staff who develop symptoms of a respiratory illness while in the home will immediately be isolated and tested for COVID-19
  • If a resident tests positive for COVID-19, they will be isolated from other residents
  • For staff who test positive for COVID-19, contact is traced back to prevent spread, and they will consult with the infection control team to determine a safe return to work
New residents to Sunnyside Home

When you become a member of the Sunnyside community, we will do our very best to introduce ourselves, make you comfortable and get to know you. We look forward to continuing your care, introducing you to new neighbours, and providing you with opportunities to socialize safely where possible.

Ensuring the health and safety of everyone who lives at Sunnyside requires that we take preventative measures for new residents arriving at Sunnyside Home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Residents who are admitted to Sunnyside Home or returning from another healthcare facility will not be tested or isolated for COVID-19 unless they are experiencing symptoms or moving from another long-term care home or healthcare facility in outbreak
  • New residents experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or who have tested positive will be isolated according to Public Health Guidelines
Additional safety precautions
  • Staff will continue to wear personal protective equipment as directed by the Ministry of Health appropriate to their role, duties, and contact with others. 
  • Sunnyside will continue to maintain a sufficient supply of this equipment
  • Staff and residents continue to practice stringent hand hygiene
  • Our team works closely with Waterloo Region Public Health to ensure the highest standards of infection prevention and control and maintains an onsite infection prevention and control specialist
Service changes in Sunnyside Home, Sunnyside Wellness Centre, and Dementia Services

Sunnyside Home Hair Salon

Reflections Beauty and Barber Shop is open with enhanced safety measures in place. To inquire about pricing or book an appointment, please leave a message 519-893-8394 extension 6329 and the team will return your call. 

Volunteer Services

Volunteers are active members of the Sunnyside Community. Volunteers are required to follow all infection control procedures.

Care Conferences

Care conferences are scheduled by the Team Leader of Registered nurse. Care conferences can be scheduled virtually or in person. Visitors attending care conferences must comply with all visitor guidelines, screening and infection control procedures. 

Attending Physicians/Nurse Practitioners

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners provide support to the Home while following all infection prevention and control guidelines.

Fabulous Finds Gift Shop

The Fabulous Finds Gift Shop is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11:30am to 3:30pm.

Sunnyside Wellness Centre

The Sunnyside Wellness Centre is open for physiotherapy, massage therapy and foot care services by appointment. To book an appointment, please call 519-894-0805.

Community Alzheimer Programs

The Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge Day Programs are open. 

Young Onset Dementia Association

The Young Onset Dementia Association is open.

More information on COVID-19

For more information, please visit these trusted sources:

COVID-19: Guidance for the Health Sector

Latest local information on the Novel Coronavirus

Public Health: How to stop the spread of germs (PDF poster)

Public Health Ontario resources (resources available in multiple languages)

How to self monitor (PDF)

How to self-isolate (PDF)




Services on campus

Sunnyside Home long term care
Sunnyside Home is a fully accredited long term care home operated by the Region of Waterloo. It has 263 rooms, with courtyards, gardens and a walking path around campus.
Sunnyside Supportive Housing
Sunnyside campus is home to a number of older adults who live independently with a small amount of help. Tenants in these one and two-bedroom apartments receive subsidy and a service package that meets their needs.
Sunnyside Wellness Centre
The Sunnyside Wellness Centre offers older adults a welcoming and barrier-free space to exercise at their own pace. It has equipment, a registered kinesiologist, and fitness classes. The center also offers services such as physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, hydrotherapy and foot care. View the full list of services
Dementia Services
The Region of Waterloo offers programs and services to support the needs of persons living with dementia in the community and their care partners.
Fabulous Finds gift shop

Run by volunteers, the Fabulous Finds gift shop is on the main floor of Sunnyside Home and is open to the public. The gift shop sells:

  • Seasonal items
  • Home décor
  • Clothing and accessories
  • Bath products
  • Stationary
  • Kitchen accessories
  • Specialty food

Proceeds are used to purchase supplies, specialized equipment and other enhancements that benefit those served by the campus.

Hours of operation

November-December 2023: Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

January 2024: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Sandhills Café

Sandhills Café is on the main floor of Sunnyside Home. It is open to the public every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Café serves meals, snacks and beverages. Hot and cold menu items (view sample menu) are offered as well as a selection of specialty coffee and baked goods.

Hours of operation

Open daily including holidays
8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m to 6:30 p.m.

Sunnyside Auxiliary Tuck Shop 

The Sunnyside Auxiliary Tuck Shop is on the main floor of Sunnyside Home. Volunteers run the tuck shop, selling hot and cold beverages, baked goods, snacks and personal care items. Proceeds are used to purchase equipment and enhancements for those served by the campus.

Hours of operation

Open daily except holidays
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Sunnyside Foundation
The Sunnyside Foundation is a registered charity that raises funds to enhance the lives of older adults in Waterloo Region. Since 1998, we have raised over $3.5 million for programs, services and equipment. The foundation welcomes donations; every dollar makes a difference.

You can also get involved by taking part in or volunteering at fundraisers. 
Affordable housing for older adults
Sunnyside campus is home to older adults who live in apartment buildings at 233, 235 and 239 Franklin St. N. These units are owned and managed by the Waterloo Region Housing and are for people who cannot afford market rent. For more information and to apply, visit Find affordable housing

Protecting your privacy: We respect your right to confidential care. Please see our Information Practices Statement for details.

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