Paramedic Services

Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services (PSV) is committed to providing excellence in patient care, achieving the fastest possible response times and ensuring that there are systems in place that are responsive to the needs of patients. We are also committed to serving the community and its patients with compassion, care, dignity and professionalism.

For more information on the Public Access Defibrillation, please visit the Public Access Defibrillation page. 

For more information on how to make the right call, please visit the Right Call Right Care  page.

In case of an emergency, be prepared by having a medical information card ready to take to the hospital along with your medications. Print the Paramedic Services MEDIC Card, fill it out and keep it with your medications.

About Us

Paramedic Services operates a fleet of 64 vehicles including:

  • 48 Ambulances
  • 4 Supervisor Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs)
  • 4 First Response ERVs
  • 1 Operations Support - Multi-Casualty Incident (MCI) Truck
  • 2 Community Paramedic Vehicles
  • 2 Logistics and Support Vehicles
  • 2 MCI Trailers 
  • 3 Administrative Support Vehicles

Staffing levels

  • 280 Primary and Advanced Care Paramedics
  • 10 Operations Supervisors
  • 4 FT Community Paramedics
  • 25 Logistics and Support Staff
  • 2 Logistics and Support Supervisors
  • 10 Administration, Training and Professional Practice

Paramedic services stations

Paramedic Professional Practice

Mobilization time

Crews located at stations have a target mobilization time of less than one minute for all Code 4 (Emergency) calls and less than two minutes for all Code 3 (Prompt) and Code 8 (Standby) calls.

To view the Region of Waterloo Paramedic Response Time from previous years, please visit Response Time Performances

Protecting your privacy

Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services collects only as much personal health information as needed to deliver our services. Internal policies provide direction to staff on how we handle and protect your personal health information.

For more information, please visit the Information Practices Statement.

Check the Health Reports page to find information about our response time performance.

Records Release


To request a records release report, the patient must fill out a Request to Access Personal Health Record form (for the public) or a Request for Information for a Member of Law Enforcement (for law enforcement only) and send it by mail or drop it off to 1001A Erb's Road, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4 or email it to

This service is free for patients requesting their own information.

Law firms or insurance companies

Law firms or insurance companies are required to send us:

  • A letter on company letterhead with the information below:
    • Name of the patient
    • Patient's date of birth
    • Date, time and location of the incident
    • Name of the hospital where the patient was taken (if applicable)
    • Law firm file number
    • Any other details that may be relevant
  • Authorization & Direction Letter signed by the patient 
  • A cheque for $118.65 (includes HST) made out to "Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services" for each form

Please note if the Region cannot find a report, the cheque will be returned to you.

You can request ambulance dispatch records from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care by calling 416-327-7040.

At Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services, excellence in patient care is a priority. We value your feedback and will review any concerns or complaints that you bring forward. You can thank a paramedic at; or report a concern/complaint by filling out an Online Complaints Form or by calling 519-575-4400. To assist us with improving our service, please fill out a confidential customer satisfaction survey.
Careers and Recruitment Process

For current openings, check the Job Opportunities section.

Please apply to each opportunity you wish your application to be considered for.


To learn about careers in Paramedic Services, check the following links:

Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services Recruitment - Video

Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services Application Tips and Tricks

Choose a Career in Paramedic Services - Paramedic

Choose a Career in Paramedic Services - Logistics and Support Technician


Recruitment Process - Spring 2025

Below is a general guideline of the recruitment process that will be followed for Spring 2025. Communication with candidates throughout the recruitment process will be done through email.

 Activity  Timelines may change as dates are confirmed
Posting Closes Jan 1st
Information Sessions Jan 8th, 9th and 11th
Interviews Jan 13th, 14th, 22nd, 23rd and 27th
Conditional Offers Feb 10th - 14th
Road Tests Feb 24th - Mar 21st
Application Package deadline Mar 31st
OPPAT deadline Mar 31st
CPER Base Hospital Testing Apr 7th - 17th
Onboarding May 5th - June 6th

Physical testing - OPPAT

Physical testing is completed with an external vendor. OPPAT has testing facilities in Waterloo and Ottawa. Tests are valid for 6 months from the date you took it.


Candidates who are successful after a review of resumes will be invited to participate in an Information session and Interview.


An external organization conducts reference checks. Successful candidates in the interview process will be sent a link to upload their references early February. 

Job offers

Conditional job offers will be made February 10th - 14th.

Start date/Onboarding

All candidates who have accepted job offers will participate in a mandatory onboarding beginning May 5th, ending June 6th.


For more details on the Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services Recruitment, visit Frequently Asked Questions.

Community Paramedicine

What is community paramedicine?

The program is a non-emergency service aimed to increase access to health and community services that would better support the individual while redirecting away from the hospital and emergency room.

The program includes scheduled check-ups, health assessments and in-home safety assessments. Once an individual’s needs are determined, the community paramedic will connect them to appropriate services in the community.

How will community paramedicine benefit you?

The program will help connect individuals to health and community services and prevent unnecessary 911 calls and emergency department visits while supporting people in their homes or in the community.

Who is community paramedicine for?

The program is designed to assist people living with chronic illness or ongoing health needs who have little support or have experienced difficulty accessing health care within the Region of Waterloo. People with complicated medical issues or other health problems may receive other special programming.

What is a community paramedic?

Community paramedics are certified paramedics who receive additional education, training and clinical experience in the field of community health to meet the health care needs of people living in the Region. Community paramedics do not transport people to hospital, but instead visit people in their homes in non-emergency situations.

What to expect when a community paramedic arrives at the home?

Community paramedics will do a complete health and home safety assessment to determine individual needs. The paramedic and other health care providers will then connect the individual with community services and assist them in navigating the health care system. 

Contact Us