Teaching Resources

The Region of Waterloo has many departments that provide resources to help teachers, students, and the general public learn about a variety of topics. Choose from the list below.

 Water and wastewater
The Be Good To Your Water program provides resources to support water education in the classroom. Book an in-class presentation, book a field trip, find teaching resources and more.
 Roads and traffic

The Children's Safety Village works to educate children and families by developing safety skills that prevent injury. Programs are available for students in Grades 1 through 6. Topics include: traffic and pedestrian safety, bike safety and fire safety.

The Roundabouts page has a number of resources for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians (e.g. how to drive, cycle and walk in a roundabout).

 Garbage and recycling
We offer free environmental education programs to local schools and community groups from our Waterloo Landfill site. This program includes a lesson and activities at our Environmental Education Centre, and a tour of the Nyle Ludolph Materials Recycling Centre, our landfill and transfer station. Get the details in the Waste Management Education section.
Environmental sustainability
View our Environmental Sustainability teaching resources page for more information.

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