Traffic signals |
- Rarely are traffic signals installed for the purposes of improving traffic safety
- Most traffic signals are installed to minimize unnecessary delay
- An evaluation of intersections showed that collisions increased between 11% and 40% after traffic signals were installed
- Angle collisions which are far less frequent but tend to be more severe in terms of resulting injury were reduced between approximately 3% and 28%
- For more information go to the Signs and Signals page
Right-turn Smart Channel |
- Drivers in a traditional channelized right-turn lane are forced to look over their shoulder for approaching vehicles while veering their vehicle to the right, taking their attention away from the road
- Smart channels help reduce this angle so drivers can focus more of their attention to the road and vehicles in front of them
- Smart channels have shown an 86% reduction in all rear-end collisions and a 73% reduction in rear-end collisions causing injury
- They also help to create a better environment for pedestrians as the design helps to reduce vehicle speeds
Pedestrian Countdown Signals |
- Pedestrian countdown signals give a visual indication of how much time is remaining to cross
- This helps to reduce the number of collisions involving pedestrians by approximately 30%
- There has been no significant change in the number of collisions involving vehicles
Roundabouts |
- A review of intersections on Region of Waterloo roads replaced with a roundabout indicates that collisions involving injuries or fatalities have been reduced by approximately 51%
- Collisions in general increased slightly by approximately 35%
- Go the the Roundabouts page for more information
Set-back Left-turn Traffic Signal Detectors |
- Detectors are embedded into the road to detect waiting vehicles at signalized intersections
- Setting them back from the stop bar allows a traffic signal to skip a left-turn advance signal phase when there is little demand or no vehicle present
- The traffic signal can reassign more time to the main green signal which will better service thee majority of motorists waiting to go straight through the intersection
- Skipping left-turn phases may seem to contradict the purpose of traffic signals however our studies suggest that traffic signals that serve demand more effectively can result in improved safety
- This initiative, has resulted in reduced collisions involving left-turning motorists by approximately 19%
Advanced Left-turn Signals |
- Despite many beliefs, advanced left-turn signals typically do not make intersections safer
- A study of 13 locations over a total of 39 study years (average 3 years per location) determined that there was no resulting safety benefit
Road diets |
- Road diet is a term for a project that reduces the number of regular travel lanes on a roadway
- A typical road diet would see 4-lanes reduced to 3 lanes
Median and Pedestrian Refuge Islands
- Pedestrians cross roadways between intersections, despite knowingly taking on risk and increasing vulnerability.
- Median or pedestrian refuge islands can be a place of refuge for pedestrians
- Collisions involving pedestrians have been reduced by as much as 80% where installed
High-Visibility Ladder Crosswalks
- Approximately 100 people are hit every year at traffic signals
- The majority of these collisions occur in crosswalks while the pedestrian has the right-of-way
- To help reduce pedestrian collision at traffic signals, traditional crosswalks are being replaced with high-visibility ladder crosswalks
- Where installed, collisions have been reduced by approximately 70%.
Right-Turn Overlap Signal
- A right-turn overlap signal comes on at a signalized intersection during another conflicting movement
- Enabling motorists intending to turn right to proceed without having to stop for a red light
- Analysis of this operation has shown that collisions involving right-turning motorists have been reduced by approximately 25%
Setting Speed Limits
- Speed limits are set as close as possible to the observed average speed travelled by motorists
- By doing this the frequency of tailgating and unsafe passing is reduced
- Collision analyses have determined that collisions have been reduced by 66% where speed limits have been increased from 60 to 70 kilometres per hour to better reflect average observed speed of motorists. Alternatively, total collisions increased by 63% when decreasing speed limits from 80 to 70 kilometres per hour in cases where speed limits were set lower without consideration of observed average speed
Rural All-way Stop Intersections
- All-way stops are installed at locations either to minimize unnecessary delay or to reduce higher than normal angle or turning related collisions
- All-way stop intersections installed for safety reasons have reduced collisions by 72% on average
- All-way stops have proved to be a very effective way to improve safety
- It is important to avoid overuse of all-way stop-controlled intersections to maintain their effectiveness and driver compliance
Offset Crosswalks
- About 100 pedestrians are struck in crosswalks at traffic signals in the Region every year
- The most common pedestrian collision happens at signalized intersections from motorists turning left
- Left-turning motorists typically scan for a gap in opposing traffic, commit to the turn and turn into the path of a crossing pedestrian stepping off the curb
- Offset crosswalks relocate traditional crosswalks a little further back to provide left and right turning motorists additional time and space to observe and react to pedestrians
- The offset crosswalk also provides motorists an area to stop beyond the pathway of oncoming vehicles should they yield to a pedestrian after committing to a turn