Jan Liggett
Phone: 519-575-4404 ext. 3404
Email Jan Liggett
Jan Liggett was elected to her first term on Cambridge City Council to represent Ward 4 in 2014, sitting on the Economic Development Advisory, Cambridge Arts Theatre and Core Areas Revitalization Advisory Committees as well as part of the Water Billing Appeals Committee and the Post Office Steering Committee. After 8 years as the Ward 4 Councillor, Jan Liggett was elected as Mayor for the 2022-2026 term.
Jan is co-owner with her husband Les Kadar of Garden Gate Ltd. and Benabec Architectural Precast. As a businesswoman, Jan hires her employees through hard-to-hire programs such as The John Howard Society, some of whom may have mental illness or disabilities, low education, or a criminal past. She is a founding member of the international Ornamental Concrete Producers Association and served as co-president for 1 term.
Jan founded a philanthropic organization, The Fallen Sparrows Fund for critically ill children.
She volunteers extensively in the fields of art, culture, and especially heritage. She is also past president of Heritage Cambridge, served on the board of the “Grand River Film Festival in its beginning, and is also a past board member of the Kiwanis Club of Cambridge.
She has been a member of a Grand River Conservation Authority committee for over 15 years. Jan was the first person to recognize the need to safeguard the river valley lands now known as “rare Charitable Research Reserve”, a beautiful and culturally significant environment. This pristine ecosystem is home to an array of flora and fauna, some of which are ranked significant nationally, even globally.
As vice chair of the Legacy Cambridge Task Force, a committee of council and she co-authored the Heritage Master Plan recommendation report which went on to become the city of Cambridge’s Heritage Master Plan. She served as a member of the Blair Heritage District Plan committee, also a committee of council.
Jan has been appointed by Regional Council to the following Committees, Boards, Project Teams, Working Groups and Studies:
Standing Committees
- Administration and Finance
- Budget
- Community and Health Services
- Sustainability, Infrastructure and Development
Other Appointments
- Jack Young Civic Award Committee
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