Planning and development

Asset Management Plan

The Region of Waterloo owns and manages physical assets such as roads, traffic signals, buses and related facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations, groundwater wells, water storage facilities, watermains and sewers, an airport, administrative and cultural buildings, community housing, and a fleet of vehicles that together total over seven billion dollars in value.

Read the Asset Management Plan - accessible version available upon request

Read the Update to Corporate Asset Management Policy, 2023.

 Building Activity

Almost $1.8 billion in new building permits were issued in Waterloo Region between January and December 2022. This represents a record year in terms of new building permit value in the Region. The strong year is largely attributed to a significant increase in construction activity in non-residential projects. The residential sector saw over $1.1 billion in building activity in 2022, which represents a 17 per cent decline over 2021. However, 2022 still remains at 15 per cent above the 10-year average. Overall, the value of new building permits issued in 2022 increased by 6 per cent ($107 million) over 2021, and was 33 per cent higher than the ten-year average of $1.35 billion.

Monitoring Change in the Central Transit Corridor

As the ION is built and the Community Building Strategy is implemented, we will monitor progress and change. We have completed a baseline report with a detailed analysis of the status of the Central Transit Corridor (CTC). We will use this report to compare future progress. 

Using the year that ION was approved by Regional Council (2011) as the base year, a set of 16 core indicators were developed to monitor the dual goals of moving people and building community in the CTC. We will produce updates annually to inform residents of the how the program is taking shape.

The Monitoring Change Reports provide an update on progress, growth and change along the CTC. These documents are available in alternate formats upon request.

Check out the window below to experience the changes in the Central Transit Corridor more visually. Click through the tabs to learn more about the indicators.

link to Central transit corridor dashboard

Regional Community Improvement Plan

 Regional Official Plan

 Please see below for the Regional Official Plan documents:

* Please note, for items marked with an asterisk, that the most up-to-date maps can be found in the relevant Regional Official Plan Amendment.

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