Lobbyist Registry FAQs
When did the Lobbyist Registry come into effect? |
The Lobbyist Registry came into effect for the Region of Waterloo on January 1, 2025. |
Is the Lobbyist registry mandatory? |
Yes, as of January 2025 it is mandatory for a lobbyist to register their lobbying activities in the Registry. |
When are my activities considered lobbying? |
If you are an individual who represents a business or financial interest and are communicating with a public officer holder outside of approved public processes with the intent to influence a decision on governmental matters before Council, a Committee of Council or local board of the Region, or Councillor or staff member acting under delegated authority. |
Who does not need to register with the Lobbyist Registry? |
Under section 3 of the By-Law, we have outlined both exempted persons and organizations who do not need to register their lobbying activity. |
Do I need to register every time I speak with Members of Council or Regional Staff? |
No, you will need to register your initial conversation with the Public Office Holder regarding your lobbying topic. However, if you are lobbying about a different issue, you will need to register again. |
How do I use the Lobbyist Registry? |
The Lobbyist Registry can be found on the Region of Waterloo’s website. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create your profile and register your lobbying activity to the registry. If you have any questions, please contact lobbyistregistry@regionofwaterloo.ca. |
What information is available on the public search tool? |
The public registry will include your name, your client, the subject of your lobbying activity, who you lobbied, and the date of your lobbying activity. |
Do I need to register as a lobbyist before I contact a public office holder? |
You can register prior to contacting a public office holder, however, you have up to 10 business days from your initial conversation with the public office holder to register. |
Do I need to register lobbying communications about the same topic that occurs multiple times or over an extended period of time? |
No, you will only need to register the initial conversation regarding the one topic. However, if your lobbying activity extends one year, you will need to register again. To add, if you are lobbying on a different topic or issue, you will need to register that activity. |
What if my file does not fall under one of the subject matter categories? |
If your lobbying file does not fall under one of the subject matter categories, please contact the Lobbyist Registry at lobbyistregistry@regionofwaterloo.ca. |
What information do I need to include if I have multiple clients? |
You will need to enter each lobbying file you are communicating on. Each file must be attached to one client, if you are lobbying on behalf of another client you will need to create a separate lobbying registry. |
Does my lobbying activity registration have a time limit or expiration date? |
If lobbying continues for more than one year, a lobbyist must file a new registration for each year the lobbying continues. |
If I make an error in my entry on the registry, how can I fix it? |
After a submission is entered to the Lobbyist Registry, edits can be made to the submission by logging into your account. The revision history will be publicly available on the Lobbyist Registry. |
Do I still need to register if my lobbying activity pertains to a topic discussed during a Closed Council meeting? |
No, you will not need to register your lobbying activity if it pertains to a topic discussed during Closed Council. |
What happens if a lobbyist approaches a Councillor or staff member but is not registered? What if the lobbyist does not want to be registered? |
The company has up to 10 days from the initial conversation to register, if they do not want to be registered or refuse based on the by-law and code of conduct they will be subject to the penalties outlined under section 9 of the By-Law in addition, conversations will not be able to continue between both parties. However, if the individual is a Representative of an Indigenous Organization advancing actions from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the UNDRIP Act, or the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirited+ Calls to Action, they may, but are not required to register their lobbying activity. |
Do I need to pay to register? |
No, there is no cost when registering with the Lobbyist Registry. |
If I believe a lobbying activity has not been entered into the Lobbyist Registry, how do I file a complaint? |
If you believe there has been a contravention to the Lobbyist Registry By-law, you can file a complaint by reaching out to the Regional Clerk at regionalclerk@regionofwaterloo.ca or the Lobbyist Registrar at jmascarin@airdberlis.com. |
What does the lobbyist registrar do? |
In accordance with section 223.11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Lobbyist Registrar will be responsible for the following:
Does the Registry include all area municipalities? |
Currently, the Registry is only for any lobbying activity under regional jurisdiction. If you are lobbying to one of the cities or townships, there is no lobbyist registry implemented at this time. |
How does the Lobbyist Registry promote Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion? |
The Registry is a tool for accountability and does not prevent community members from engaging public officials. To ensure the bylaw is inclusive, the Region will continue to consult with Indigenous organizations and local equity-deserving groups and the REDI team to reflect the principles of equity, inclusion, and Truth and Reconciliation. |
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