The total population of Waterloo Region is estimated at 673,910 as of year-end 2023, including university and college students who would normally be residing in the Region while they study at our local institutions. This is an increase 28,490 people, a growth rate of 4.4% from year-end 2022. Based on this estimate, over the past 15 years the region's population has grown an average of 1.6 per cent per year.
There are two commonly referenced 2021 population figures for Waterloo Region. Statistics Canada released results from the Census of Canada showing a 2021 Census population of 587,165. Additionally, the Province of Ontario outlines population forecasts in the Places to Grow - Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. For 2021, the estimated Places to Grow population for Waterloo Region was 617,000. The Places to Grow population includes a four per cent undercount, but excludes domestic students.
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