Regional Official Plan Amendment No.2

ROPA 2 – appealed to the OLT (see OLT-22-002462/PL180728) and partially approved through the scoping of appeals or withdrawal of appeals with respect to lands within the Township of Woolwich and with respect to lands owned by Madison Riverbank Holdings Ltd., Lorne Kumer, Madison Middleblock Limited and Madison Fountain North Limited (“Madison Group”) in the City of Cambridge. ROPA 2 has also been partially approved through Orders of the Ontario Land Tribunal dated June 9, 2021 and March 3, 2022. The lands of ROPA 2 remaining under appeal are generally identified in ROPA 6 on Map 1 Regional Structure, Map 2 Urban System and Map 3 Employment Area.  A merit hearing of the appeal is scheduled for November 6, 2023 to December 8, 2023. 

For further information, see the case information.

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