Climate Aligned Growth - Strategic Plan

Climate Aligned Growth

Climate Aligned Growth

As we grow, we will support a healthy environment where communities can thrive. Through intentional collaboration and creativity, we will support sustainable community growth.

To advance this outcome, over the next four years we will:

  • Use a climate adaptation lens to re-imagine infrastructure, land and services for growth: Using a climate mitigation and adaptation lens, we will work collaboratively with TransformWR, area municipalities, businesses and community partners to integrate infrastructure planning and adaptation. 
  • Foster car-alternative options through complete streets and extended alternative transportation networks: By expanding equitable public and active transportation networks across the region, we will make it easier for people to get around and make climate-friendly choices.
  • Steward our natural environment and shared resources as we grow: We will work to protect the region’s natural environment, biodiversity, trees, and water.

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