Heritage Bridge Recognition Program
The Region of Waterloo has unveiled plaques to commemorate our most significant historic bridges.
Bridges play an important role that goes beyond their obvious transportation function. The best of them become familiar and distinctive landmarks that contribute to a strong sense of place and help to tell the stories of our communities.
These bridges were selected to receive plaques following the results of Spanning the Generations: A Study of Old Bridges in Waterloo Region, an inventory and heritage evaluation of all types of bridges, carried out by the Region's Heritage Planning Advisory Committee (HPAC). The bridge plaques are linked in each section below.
For more information on other heritage bridges in Waterloo Region, please visit Heritage Sites, Properties and Districts.
Black Bridge Road Bridge |
Bridgeport Bridge |
Freeport Bridge |
Freeport Bridge plaque |
Hartman Bridge |
Huron Road Bridge |
Main Street Bridge |
Mill Creek Bridge |
West Montrose Covered Bridge |
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