Transportation Master Plan

What is Moving Forward?

 Moving Forward  is the Region of Waterloo's Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which was approved by Regional Council June 27, 2018.

Moving Forward  is a strategic plan which identifies the policies and projects  that will meet the Region's  long and short term transportation needs over the next 25 years. These include how and where to invest in Regional road improvements, traffic controls, public transit services,  and cycling and walking facilities. It also includes strategies to manage both ongoing travel demands, and the necessary accommodations required by evolving transportation technologies.  Moving Forward  also addresses transportation needs related to provincial highways within the Region, travel to and from the Region, emerging transportation trends, and passenger rail service.

 An accessible format of this document is available upon request.
 Please contact Transportation Department at 519-575-4558 or TTY 519-575-4608
 or email to request an accessible format.

Why is Moving Forward  important to you?

Moving Forward  affects everyone. It addresses the movement of people and goods in and around Waterloo Region. The need for mobility impacts everyone including residents, businesses and visitors in the community. Serving our travel needs and minimizing impacts on our neighbourhoods and natural areas, mobility must be safe, convenient and affordable. It must provide for the types of travel choices expected by residents of Waterloo Region, including walking, cycling, driving and the use of public transit.

 What is the vision for Moving Forward?

The following vision statement for Waterloo Region’s transportation system was developed by input provided by Regional staff, the General Public Panel and the Stakeholder Panel of agency representatives and community groups involved in the development process of  Moving Forward.  This vision also aligns with the core Regional strategic vision.

“Waterloo Region will be a prosperous, sustainable and healthy community, with viable transportation choices for people of all ages and abilities, and for the movement of goods supporting our economy.”

 To achieve the vision, the following goals were adopted for Moving Forward:

  • Optimize the Transportation System by making the most of what currently exists, and maximize the use of existing services and facilities.
  • Promote Transportation Choices by offering competitive options for moving people and goods in an integrated, seamless transportation system.
  • Foster a strong Economy by providing a transportation system that supports the retention of existing businesses and attracts sustainable economic activity.
  • Support Sustainable Development by providing a transportation system that supports sustainable growth in both urban and rural areas and reduces transportation contributions to climate change.
 How do I access Moving Forward  reports?

   Accessible formats of these documents are available upon request.
   Please contact Transportation Department at 519-575-4558 or TTY 519-575-4608
   or email to request an accessible format.

 How does Moving Forward  relate to other plans?

Moving Forward  is an update to the 2010 Regional Transportation Master plan and supercedes this plan.
The new plan is compatible with the Regional Official Plan and the philosophy of compact, sustainable development. Moving Forward  also integrates the Region's 2014 Active Transportation Master plan but goes much further. Moving Forward  develops strategies and makes recommendations which identify network related infrastructure requirements and enhancements that will connect and accelerate the attainment of an integrated active transportation network in the Region of Waterloo.

The Cities of Cambridge, Kitchener, and Waterloo have their own transportation master plans to help guide decisions in planning the City street networks, parking, goods movement, and trails. As the Cities continue to update their TMP’s in the future, they will also be based on  Moving Forward.

Accessible formats of these documents are available upon request.  
Please contact Transportation Department at 519-575-4558 or TTY 519-575-4608
or email to request an accessible format.  

We are here to answer your questions. Please email us or Telephone: 519-575-4400 I TTY: 519 575-4608

Please include #MovingForwardWR when using social media.

Interested in other reports go to Reports, Plans and Data.


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