Policies, Reliefs and Rebates
Financial Incentives Catalogue
There are many incentives available to developers and property owners in Waterloo Region. Discover how you can take advantage of these incentives by choosing a geographic area below.
Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Waterloo Region incentives |
The following incentives are available in Waterloo Region and issued by the Region of Waterloo unless otherwise noted. Regional Development Charge Exemptions (Brownfields)Description: Brownfield sites may be eligible for Regional Development Charge (RDC) Exemptions to help cover the cost of remediation. The value of the RDC Exemption is based on the sum of direct costs of remediation plus 20 per cent for indirect costs, less any additional financial assistance previously received. This exemption applies to all of Waterloo Region, except for the core areas of Cambridge and Kitchener, where development charges are waived for all developments. Amount: The value of the Brownfields RDC Exemption is calculated as the sum of the direct costs of remediating a brownfield site plus a pre-determined allowance for indirect remediation costs. The Exemption is then reduced by the value of any other financial assistance provided by the Brownfield Financial Incentive Program. End date: February 28, 2019 Further information: Contact Carolyn Crozier, Principal Planner at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation - Property GrantIssued by: Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation Description: Owners of properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, protected by a conservation easement agreement, or a Historic Site designation, may receive grants in support of the restoration of their heritage resource. There are also grants for project/events and publications. Amount: Capital grants may be approved for up to 50 per cent of project costs. Further information: Visit the Waterloo Region Heritage Foundation website, or contact Foundation Secretary Administrative Services at 519-575-4400 or wrhf@regionofwaterloo.ca. New Multi-Residential DevelopmentsDescription: New multi-residential developments (seven or more units) are automatically included in the new multi-residential property tax class at the time of assessment. Amount: Properties under this class receive a preferential tax ratio of 1.000 for 35 years. Further information: Contact Emily Dykeman, Financial Analyst - Tax Policy at 519-575-4400, ext. 3107. Capital Grant for Affordable Rental HousingFunded by: Region of Waterloo, Province of Ontario, Government of Canada. Administered by the Region of Waterloo. Description: Capital grants help offset the capital costs of building new affordable rental housing. Must apply under Request for Proposals for the Affordable Housing Strategy Program. Next anticipated RFP to be issued late 2016 or early 2017. Amount: The 2015 rate was the lesser of up to $125,000 or up to 75 per cent of total capital costs per unit. End date: December 31, 2019 Further Information: Contact Supervisor, Housing Supply Initiatives at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Regional Development Charge Grant (Affordable Housing)Description: Limited grants to offset Regional Development Charges (RDC) for rental and supportive housing project priorities that proceed to building permit stage on a first-come, first-served basis. Only applicable for projects that have received a capital grant through the Affordable Housing Strategy Program. Amount: The entire Regional Development Charge subject to availability. End date: December 31, 2019 Further Information: Visit the Funding for Creating New Rental Housing on Community Services or contact the Supervisor, Housing Supply Initiatives at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Regional Development Charge (RDC) Reduction for Industrial UseDescription: Reduced rates for a new industrial building or an enlargement of more than 50 per cent of the gross floor area of an existing industrial building, as defined in the Regional Development Charge By-law 14-046. Amount: A 50 per cent reduction in the non-residential Regional Development Charge rates. End date: Effective until July 31, 2019 when the authorizing Region Development Charge By-law 14-046 will be reviewed, unless repealed earlier. Further information: Please see the By-Law Number 14-046, "A By-law to Establish Development Charges for The Regional Municipality of Waterloo," Section 4(2)a and Schedule A (Part II) or contact Erin Gray, Financial Analyst at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Regional Redevelopment AllowancesDescription: New development replacing existing development may be entitled to a credit. This credit may only be applied against regional development charges otherwise payable. Redevelopment allowances are given in accordance with Schedule A, Part III of By-law 14-046 in recognition of the value of services previously provided to the site. These allowances are valid for up to seven years from the date of issuance of demolition permit. Amount: Regional development charges otherwise payable. End date: February 28, 2019. Further information: Please see By-Law Number 14-046, "A By-law to Establish Development Charges for The Regional Municipality of Waterloo," Schedule A, (Part III) contact Erin Gray, Financial Analyst at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Development Charge Exemption for Industrial DevelopmentDescription: If development includes the enlargement of the gross floor area of an existing industrial building, the amount of the development charge that is payable in respect of the enlargement is determined in accordance with Section 4 and Regulations of the Ontario Development Charge Act, 1997, c. 27. Amount: If the gross floor area is enlarged by 50 per cent or less, the amount of the development charge in respect of the enlargement is zero. 1997, c. 27 s. 4(2) Further information: For terms and details, please refer to the appropriate municipal development charges by-law, or consult the finance department of the appropriate municipality. Both regional and area municipal levels of government offer this exemption. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Downtown Preston, Hespeler and Galt incentives |
The following incentives are available in the core areas of Cambridge and issued by the City of Cambridge unless otherwise noted. Cambridge Core Area Development Charge ExemptionIssued by: Region of Waterloo and City of Cambridge Description: All lands within the Downtown Core Areas (Hespeler Village, Galt and Preston) are exempt from both City of Cambridge and Regional development charges, including the Regional charges for waste and transit. Amount: Otherwise applicable development charges. End date: The Regional Development Charge Exemption end date is the earlier of February 28, 2019 or when the by-law is repealed. The Cambridge Core Area Development Charge Exemption is the earlier of July 1, 2019 or when the by-law is repealed. Further information: For City Development Charges please read the City of Cambridge Incentives package (page 21 for description, pages 4-7 for maps) or contact Jacqueline Hannemann, DC Coordinator, Development Planning, at HannemannJ@Cambridge.ca or 519-621-0740 ext. 4289. For Regional Development Charges, please refer to the By-Law Number 14-046, "A By-law to Establish Development Charges for The Regional Municipality of Waterloo," (Section 4(9) for description, pages 23-25 for maps) and By-law Number 16-053, "A By-law to Amend By-law 14-046 Regarding Development Charges - Transit Services and Waste Management Services," (Section 1), or contact Erin Gray, Financial Analyst at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Design Guide ProgramDescription: This program provides funds toward retaining a professional consultant to prepare a design plan for facade improvements of buildings. Amount: The City will provide a grant of up to $1,000 for the first facade and $250 for each additional facade to a maximum limit of $1,750 per building. Further information: Please read the City of Cambridge Incentives package (pages 9-11) or contact Valerie Spring, Senior Planner, Reurbanization, at springv@cambridge.ca or 519-621-0740 ext. 4213. Building Revitalization ProgramDescription: The Building Revitalization Program provides financial assistance for physical improvements to the exterior of existing buildings. The City can provide interest-free and partially forgivable loan funding for up to 50 per cent of eligible costs. Amount: Up to 35 per cent as loan funding for up to 50 per cent of eligible costs. Maximum primary street frontage: $20,000 and $5,000 per additional frontage (with criteria). Further information: Please read the City of Cambridge Incentives package (pages 12-17) or contact Valerie Spring, Senior Planner, Reurbanization, at springv@cambridge.ca or 519-621-0740 ext. 4213. Contaminated Sites Grant ProgramDescription: The Contaminated Sites Grant Program assists property owners with the financial costs to clean up contaminated properties in the Core Areas. Amount: Maximum $1,500 per new residential unit, $10 per square metre of non-residential gross floor area. Further information: Please read the City of Cambridge Incentives package (pages 18-19) or contact Valerie Spring, Senior Planner, Reurbanization, at springv@cambridge.ca or 519-621-0740 ext. 4213. Application Fee ExemptionsDescription: All properties located in any of the three core areas of Cambridge are entitled to fee exemptions for Development Applications, Building Permits and associated fees such as Sign Permits and Swimming Pool Permits. No application is required. Amount: Values of applicable fees. Further information: Please read the City of Cambridge Incentives package (page 20) or contact Valerie Spring, Senior Planner, Reurbanization, at springv@cambridge.ca or 519-621-0740 ext. 4213. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Kitchener incentives |
The following incentives are available in Kitchener and issued by the City of Kitchener unless otherwise noted. Joint Tax Increment GrantIssued by: Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener Description: A grant to assist property owners with the remediation of brownfield sites throughout the City of Kitchener. Payments are made after the site has been remediated, redeveloped and reassessed. Amount: Total amount is generally based on eligible remediation costs. Yearly payments are made to successful applicants (each application for a maximum of 10 years) based on post-development tax assessment increases. End date: There is no set end date, but it is at the discretion of either Regional or City Council to cancel the program at any time. Further information: Contact Carolyn Crozier, Principal Planner at 519-575-4400 or send an email or Robert Morgan, Capital Investment Advisor at 519-741-2200 x7734 or robert.morgan@kitchener.ca Designated Heritage Property Grant ProgramDescription: Owners of property designated under the Ontario Heritage Act may be eligible to receive grants toward the conservation of the built heritage resources of their property. Amount: 50 per cent of the cost of eligible projects, minimum of $500, maximum of $3,000 End date: No end date. Application period is January 1 to March 31. Subject to availability of funds. Further information: Visit Kitchener's Heritage Funding page or contact Michelle Drake, Heritage Planner at 519-741-2200 ext 7839 or michelle.drake@kitchener.ca Designated Heritage Property Tax Refund ProgramDescription: Owners of property designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and subject to a heritage conservation easement agreement or a preservation and maintenance agreement may be eligible to receive a tax refund. Amount: 40 per cent refund of the municipal and school board portions of property taxes End date: No end date. Application period is February 1 to 29. Subject to availability of funds. Further information: Visit Kitchener's Heritage Funding page or contact Michelle Drake, Heritage Planner at 519-741-2200 ext 7839 or michelle.drake@kitchener.ca Development Charge Rate - Industrial BuildingsDescription: Reduced rates for a new industrial building or an enlargement of more than 50 per cent of the gross floor area of an existing industrial building. Please see Development Charge By-law 2014-068 for details. Amount: From July 1, 2014 to March 1, 2019 industrial development will be charged 50 per cent of the City of Kitchener's non-residential development charge rate. After March 1, 2019 industrial development will be charged the non-residential development charge rate. Please refer to City of Kitchener's Development Charge webpage for the current development End date: By-law is in force until it is repealed or replaced by a subsequent by-law, no later than July 1, 2019. Further information: Please contact the Building Division at 519-741-2312 or building@kitchener.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Downtown Kitchener incentives |
The following incentives are available in the core area of Kitchener and issued by the City of Kitchener unless otherwise noted. Downtown Kitchener Development Charge ExemptionIssued by: Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener Description: All lands within the Downtown Core Boundary are exempt from both City of Kitchener and Regional development charges, including the Regional development charges for waste and transit. Amount: Exemption for otherwise applicable development charges. End date: The Regional Development Charge Exemption end date is the earlier of February 28, 2019 or when the by-law is repealed. The Kitchener Development Charge Exemption is the earlier of March 1, 2019 or the repeal of Kitchener Development Charges By-Law 2014-068. Further information: Refer to Kitchener's Development Charges By-law 2014-068 Section 3.3 and Regional Development Charges By-law Number 16-053 (Section 1), or contact Kitchener's Building Division at 519-741-2312 or building@kitchener.ca Bonusing for Increased Built Form/DensityDescription: Community benefits such as providing residential floor space, conserving heritage buildings or facades and/or providing a publicly accessible amenity area may result in the ability to build additional floor space beyond the standard maximum floor space ratio within downtown zones D-1 to D-6. These benefits are considered desirable objectives for the downtown. Amount: The ratio or amount of increased floor area is dependent upon the existing downtown zone, the type of community benefit available for bonusing in that zone and several other provisions. Further information: Please visit Kitchener's Zoning By-law page and contact the Planning Division at 519-741-2426 or planning@kitchener.ca Facade Grant ProgramDescription: This program assists downtown property owners and tenants with the financing of street-oriented building façade improvements. Amount: Grant amount is up to 50 per cent of the costs, to a max of $10,000 per storefront, subject to design guidelines. End date: To end or be revaluated by December 31, 2017. Further information: Please visit Kitchener's Facade Grant Program page or contact Cory Bluhm, Manager of Downtown Community Development at 519-741-2200 ext. 7065 or Cory.Bluhm@kitchener.ca Building Permit RebatesDescription: To stimulate redevelopment and renovation of downtown buildings, this program offers grants in lieu of building permit fees to registered owners of downtown commercial properties. Amount: Refund of applicable fees, not to exceed $1,000 per property. End date: To end or be revaluated by December 31, 2017. Further information: Please visit Kitchener's Grants in Lieu of Building Permit Fees page or contact the Building Division at 519-741-2312 or building@kitchener.ca. Startup Landing Pad Grant ProgramDescription: This program offers a grant for property owners of downtown Kitchener second-storey and above underutilized building spaces and startups to access leasehold and accessibility improvement funds. Amount: $20,000 matching for eligible leasehold improvements; $40,000 matching for accessibility improvements. End date: February 2019. Further information: Please visit Kitchener's Startup Landing Pad Grant Program page or contact Thom Ryan, Sr. Business Development Officer at 519-741-2200 ext. 7826 or thom.ryan@kitchener.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Central Neighbourhoods, Kitchener incentives |
The following incentives are available in the Central Neighbourhoods of Kitchener and issued by the City of Kitchener unless otherwise noted. Development Charge Rate - Central NeighbourhoodsDescription: Reduced development charges for Central Neighbourhoods of Kitchener. Please see Development Charge By-law 2014-068 for details. Amount: Please refer to City of Kitchener's Development Charge page for the current development charge rates. End date: By-law is in force until it is repealed or replaced by a subsequent by-law, no later than July 1, 2019. Further Information: Contact Kitchener's Building Division at 519-741-2312 or building@kitchener.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Waterloo incentives |
The following incentives are available in Waterloo and issued by the City of Waterloo unless otherwise noted. Joint Tax Increment GrantIssued by: Region of Waterloo and City of Waterloo. Description: A grant to assist property owners with the remediation of brownfield sites throughout the City of Waterloo. Payments are made after the site has been remediated, redeveloped and reassessed. Amount: Total amount is generally based on eligible remediation costs. Yearly payments are made to successful applicants (each application for a maximum of 10 years) based on post-development tax assessment increases. End date: No set end date for Region of Waterloo, but the program maybe amended or cancelled at Council's discretion. City of Waterloo Brownfields Community Improvement Plan expires September 30, 2018. Further information: Contact Carolyn Crozier, Principal Planner at 519-575-4400 or send an email or Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. No Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Fee for any Industrial UseDescription: Elimination of the cash-in-lieu of parkland fee(s) for industrial uses in Waterloo. Amount: Any applicable cash-in-lieu of parkland fee(s). End date: To be re-evaluated by December 2019. Further information: Please contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Uptown Waterloo incentives |
The following incentives are available in the core area of Waterloo and issued by the City of Waterloo unless otherwise noted. Regional Development Charge Exemption for Uptown WaterlooDescription: Regional Development Charge for Transit Services shall be reduced by 77% of the then applicable Development Charge for Transit Services. Amount: See description. End date: Feb. 29, 2019. Further information: For the Regional Development Charges, please refer to the Regional Development Charges By-law Number 16-053 (Section1) or contact Erin Gray, Financial Analyst at 519-575-4400 or send an email. Facade Improvement Grant ProgramDescription: This program is intended to encourage business and property owners to improve the appearance of the streetscape, heritage properties and other buildings in the Project Area. Amount: A maximum matching grant of $10,000 per street-facing façade to a maximum grant of $20,000 per project/property. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Study Grant ProgramDescription: This program promotes the preparation and submission to the City of high quality professional urban design studies and drawings as well as heritage feasibility studies and assessments. Amount: A maximum grant of $3,000 per project/property. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Fee Grant ProgramDescription: To facilitate renovations and small expansions through the provision of an additional financial incentives to offset fees. Amount: A maximum grant of$10,000 per property/project. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Commercial Building Improvement LoanDescription: To support business retention by helping to fund interior renovations and maintenance that improves the usability and/or accessibility of non-residential buildings within Uptown Waterloo. Amount: A maximum loan of $30,000. End date: December 1, 2017. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Minor Activity Grant/Loan ProgramDescription: To facilitate small expansions and new construction that create spaces of up to 5,000 square feet for affordable housing uses and/or office employment uses. The program provides additional incentive for development that includes heritage conservation and/or sustainable building design. Amount: Maximum grant or loan of $50,000 per project/property. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Major Activity GrantDescription: To promote large reurbanization projects that create new floor space for affordable housing uses and/or non-residential uses that include an office employment component. Additional incentive provided for development that includes heritage conservation and/or sustainable building design. The program provides a grant that reduces the property tax increase that can typically result from reurbanization projects. Amount: Based on assessment provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Parking Exemption Program (Uptown)Description: To facilitate small expansions (2,000 square feet net building area) or changes in use where the developer is unable to provide the on-site parking as required by the Zoning By-law. The program provides for parking exemptions, subject to the preparation of a parking analysis and Agreement approved by Council. Amount: Parking exemptions, subject to the preparation of a parking analysis and Section 40 Planning Act Agreement. End date: December 2020. The City may periodically review and activate, deactivate, or discontinue this program without amendment to the Uptown Community Improvement Plan. Further information: Contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca or visit Waterloo's Uptown Community Improvement Plan page. Reduced Parkland cash-in-lieu fee for infill housing in Uptown WaterlooDescription: Reduction of the Uptown cash-in-lieu of parkland fee for infill housing. Amount: Reduction of approximately 33 per cent from 0.15 hectare per 300 units to 0.10 hectare per 300 units. End date: To be re-evaluated by December 2019. Further information: Please see Corporation of the City of Waterloo By-law 2015-44 or contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. Maximum cap for parkland cash-in-lieu fee for infill housing in Uptown WaterlooDescription: Within Uptown Waterloo, a maximum cap of cash-in-lieu of parkland fee for infill housing. Amount: Up to a maximum of 15 per cent of land value, or as conveyance of land, based on current market value provided by a qualified land appraiser. End date: To be re-evaluated by December 2019. Further information: Please see Corporation of the City of Waterloo By-law 2015-44 or contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. Cash-in-lieu of parkland fee waiver for office or non-residential portion of an Uptown Waterloo mixed-use buildingDescription: Within Uptown Waterloo, cash-in-lieu of parkland fees for any new non-residential development (with focus on employment uses) located within a free-standing and mixed-use building are waived. Amount: Financial waiver. End date: To be re-evaluated by December 2019. Further information: Please see Corporation of the City of Waterloo By-law 2015-44 or contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. |
Northdale Area, Waterloo incentives |
The following incentives are available in the Northdale area of Waterloo and issued by the City of Waterloo unless otherwise noted. Northdale Tax Increment GrantDescription: The purpose of this specific program is to promote projects that are "green/sustainable" in the Northdale area of Waterloo (bound by Columbia Street West, King Street North, University Avenue West and Phillip Street) by providing a financial incentive that reduces the property tax increase that typically occurs with such projects for a period of time. Amount: An annual Grant as a percentage of City property tax increase Generated by the Project, the percentage is based on the sustainability performance (LEED) of the as-built project for up to 10 years, or up to the time when total grant payments equal the total eligible program costs. End date: The City of Waterloo may discontinue incentives for the Northdale area at any time. Further information: Please visit Waterloo's Northdale CIP Tax Increment Grant Program page or contact Nancy Gehl, Economic Development at 519-747-8706 or Nancy.Gehl@waterloo.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
Woolwich Township incentives |
The following incentives are available in Woolwich Township and issued by the Township of Woolwich unless otherwise noted. Development Charge ExemptionsDescription: Development charge exemptions for expansion of existing commercial or institutional buildings. Amount: Otherwise applicable development charges for the first 10,000 square feet of expansion, or up to 50 per cent of expansion, whichever is greater. An additional 20 per cent of the square footage might be exempted for the first project after the passing of the Development Charges By-law. End date: July 7, 2019 unless By-law is repealed at an earlier date. Further information: Please refer to the Township of Woolwich website or contact the Building Division at 519-669-1647 ext. 6042 or rbauman@woolwich.ca. Disclaimer: The purpose of these program summaries is to provide readers with a quick reference of financial incentives potentially available in each area. They do not constitute complete program descriptions. To determine eligibility, please review the detailed program descriptions or contact the appropriate staff person. It is at the issuers' discretion to cancel an incentive at any time. Information is subject to change and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |
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