How to use a roundabout |
Drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists all use roundabouts, and the Region has come up with many different tools and resources to help educate all users on how to use these roundabouts.
How to drive in a roundabout |
When approaching and travelling through a roundabout slow down. Observe the lane signs and choose the correct entry lane. Wait for a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout. Remember to yield to traffic in the roundabout because drivers in the roundabout always have the right-of-way. Do not pass other vehicles in the roundabout and give large vehicles extra space because they might use both lanes.
Quick list of things to remember:
- Slow down.
- Look and plan ahead.
- Pedestrians go first. When entering or exiting a roundabout, yield to pedestrians at the crosswalk.
- Look to the left, yield to all traffic in the roundabout, find a safe gap, and then go.
- Don't pass vehicles in a roundabout.
- Signal.
Choosing your lane |
Reducing your speed when approaching a roundabout will give you time to choose the right lane. Watch for signs and road markings that help you decide what exit to take and what lane to be in.
Turning right |
- Enter from the right lane.

- Travel in the outer lane of the roundabout.
- Exit directly from the right lane (Black arrow)
Straight through |
- You may enter from either the left or the right lane.
- Exit directly from the lane you are in. (Black and yellow arrows)

Turning left |
- Enter from the left lane.
- Travel in the inner lane of the roundabout.
- Exit directly from the inner lane. (Yellow arrow)

Signalling |
A roundabout is an intersection; you need to signal the direction in which you are going to take. When turning right, you need to signal right, when going straight you don't signal, and when turning left or doing a U-turn you signal left. The only difference is that whenever you exit a roundabout you need to signal right to show you are exiting.
Turning right |
- Signal right as you approach the roundabout in the right-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the right-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal as you exit in the right-hand lane.
Straight through |
- Do not signal as you approach the roundabout and select the appropriate lane.
- Stay in this lane until you need to exit the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit from the lane you are in.
Turning left |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout in the left-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the left-hand lane.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit in the left-hand lane.
Going full circle (U-turn) |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout in the left-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the left-hand lane.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit in the left-hand lane.
Emergency vehicles |
- Do not stop inside the roundabout.
- If you have not yet entered the roundabout, pull to the right and let the emergency vehicles pass you.
- If you are in the roundabout, exit as normal, then pull to the right and let the emergency vehicle pass you.
Large vehicles |
- When approaching a roundabout, straddle the entry lanes. Use both lanes in the roundabout. Don't try to leave space for another vehicle to pass you.
How to videos |
How to walk in a roundabout |
Step to the curb and point your finger across the crosswalk, look and listen for a safe gap in traffic flow. Do not start to cross if the driver cannot safely stop. As you cross, keep pointing until you reach the far side of the road. Remember to watch for drivers in the next lane to ensure the driver sees you crossing.
Pedestrians cannot cut across to the middle of the roundabout. You need to use the sidewalks and crosswalks around the outside of the roundabout. Pedestrians wait on the splitter island if needed until there is a gap in the traffic flow.
- Step to the curb and point your finger across.
- Look and listen for a safe gap in traffic flow.
- Do not cross until the driver stops.
- Keep and make eye contact with drivers in all lanes.
- Do not cross across the middle of the roundabout.
- Wait on the splitter island.
- Drivers are more likely to yield the crosswalk to you if your body language shows you intend to cross.
- Walk to the crosswalk briskly and deliberately.
- Look at the drivers - make eye contact.
- Start to cross as soon as you are sure that the driver intends to slow or stop.
Pedestrians at roundabouts compared to a signalized intersection |
- The crossing distance is shorter.
- The slower speeds means drivers have more time to judge and react to pedestrians.
- The pedestrian watches for traffic in just one direction at a time.
- Drivers can focus on vehicles and pedestrians around them, without a traffic signal diverting drivers' attention upward.
- Drivers are more likely to look toward pedestrian pathways. By comparison, turning at a traffic signal drivers are often watching for conflicting traffic (for example: looking left while turning right).
- Drivers and pedestrians are more likely to be alert and aware of each other because both have to decide when to go.
Tips and things to remember |
- Step to the curb and point your finger across.
- Look and listen for a safe gap in traffic flow.
- Do not cross until the driver stops.
- Keep and make eye contact with drivers in all lanes.
- Do not cross across the middle of the roundabout.
- Wait on the splitter islands
- Drivers are more likely to yield the crosswalk to you if your body language shows you intend to cross.
- Walk to the crosswalk briskly and deliberately.
- Look at the drivers - make eye contact.
- Start to cross as soon as you are sure that the driver intends to slow or stop.
Body language |
Good Body Language
Use the following assertive body language to communicate your intention:
Poor Body Language
Drivers are more likely Not to yield the crosswalk if you exhibit the following passive body language:
Scan for a gap in traffic as you come up to the crosswalk. |
Not looking at drivers. |
Approach the crosswalk briskly and deliberately. |
Walking slowly up to the crosswalk or standing on the sidewalk back from the curb. |
Point across the crosswalk. |
Standing with your hands on your hips. |
Make eye contact with approaching drivers. |
Setting down your grocery bags. |
Start to cross as soon as you are sure the driver intends to slow or stop to yield the crosswalk to you. |
Playing with your cell phone or music player. |
Beginning muscle stretches if you have jogged up to the intersection and seem to be filling in time. |
Not taking advantage of an appropriate gap in traffic to start crossing.
Waiving drivers on. |
Hesitating and not starting to cross even if a vehicle slows to yield the crosswalk to you. |
How to cycle in a roundabout |
A cyclist has two choices at a roundabout. Your choice will depend on your degree of comfort riding in traffic
Experienced cyclists |
- Ride as if you were driving a car.
- Merge into the travel lane before the bike lane or shoulder ends.
- Ride in the middle of your lane; don't hug the curb.
- Use hand signals and signal as if you were a motorist
Turning right |
- Signal right as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal as you exit.
Straight through |
- Do not signal as you approach the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit only.
Turning left |
- Signal Left as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit.
Going full circle (U-turn) |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Signal Right prior to your exit.
- Watch out for drivers' blind spots.
Less confident cyclists |
- Dismount and walk your bicycle.
- Follow tips for pedestrians:
- Step to the curb and point your finger across.
- Look and listen for a safe gap in traffic flow.
- Do not cross until the driver stops.
- Keep and make eye contact with drivers in all lanes.
- Do not cross across the middle of the roundabout.
- Wait on the splitter island.
Understanding roundabout signage |
Roundabout Sign
Meaning of sign
Roundabout Ahead.
The roundabout at the intersection of Highland Road West and Ira Needles Boulevard. Choose your destination.
Keep To the Right.
There are two entry lanes to this roundabout. Choose the correct lane for your destination.
- If you are turning left, get in the left lane.
- If you are turning right, get in the right lane.
- If you are going straight through you can be in either lane.
Various lane combinations are possible depending on the roundabout design. The circular symbol represents the central island and the lane beside it is the left-lane/inside lane of the roundabout. Do not change lanes within the roundabout.
Yield to all traffic in the roundabout, including pedestrians at the crosswalk. Remember "Yield" means you may have to stop.
One-way traffic that is counter-clockwise in a roundabout.
Flag exit signs are situated on splitter islands and identify each leg of the roundabout. These signs are intended to reassure that you have chosen the appropriate exit leg.
This exit is Arthur Street. Use your right-turn signal to signal your exit.
Yield here to pedestrian.
Right lane ends. Find a suitable gap and merge with traffic in left lane. If you are already in the left lane, be prepared to provide a gap for merging traffic.
Regional roundabout locations |
As of July 2019, there are 36 roundabouts on Regional roads.
Existing |
Cambridge |
- Can-Amera Parkway and Conestoga Boulevard
- Can-Amera Parkway and Townline Road
- Fountain Street and Blair Road
- Fountain Street and Dickie Settlement Road
- Fountain Street and Kossuth Road
- Franklin Boulevard and Bishop Street
- Franklin Boulevard and Champlain Boulevard
- Franklin Boulevard and Clyde Road
- Franklin Boulevard and Dundas Street
- Franklin Boulevard and Main Street
- Franklin Boulevard and Myers Road
- Franklin Boulevard and Pinebush Road
- Franklin Boulevard and Savage Drive
- Franklin Boulevard and Sheldon Drive
- Hespeler Road and Beaverdale Road/Queen Street
- Pinebush Road and Thompson Drive
Kitchener |
- Bleams Road and Manitou Drive
- Bridge Street and Lancaster Street
- Fairway Road and Zeller Drive
- Fischer-Hallman Road and Huron Road
- Fischer-Hallman Road and Seabrook Drive
- Homer Watson Boulevard and Block Line Road
- Homer Watson Boulevard and Ottawa Street
- Ira Needles Boulevard and The Boardwalk
- Ira Needles Boulevard and Highland Road
- Ira Needles Boulevard and Highview Drive/Trussler Road
- Ira Needles Boulevard and Victoria Street
- Ottawa Street and Alpine Road
Waterloo |
- Erb Street and Costco Lane/Waterloo Landfill Lane Gate One
- Erb Street and Platinum Drive/Waterloo Landfill Lane Gate Two
- Ira Needles Boulevard and Erb Street/Erbsville Road
- Ira Needles Boulevard and Thorndale Drive
- Ira Needles Boulevard and University Avenue
- Westmount Road and Laurelwood Drive
- Ament Lane and Herrgott Road
Woolwich |
- Arthur Street and Sawmill Road
Potential |
Cambridge |
- Fountain Street and Maple Grove Road
- Franklin Boulevard and Can-Amera Parkway
- Franklin Boulevard and Saginaw Parkway
- Franklin Boulevard and Avenue Road
Kitchener |
- Fischer-Hallman Road and Bleams Road
- Fischer-Hallman Road and Rosenburg Way
Safety in a roundabout |
Safety Benefits
- reduce speeds of vehicles
- eliminate right-angle crashes
- reduce the number of vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-pedestrian conflicts at an intersection
- reduced speeds allows for all users to judge better when they should enter the roundabout, and to detect and correct their mistakes
- eliminate any type of high-speed collision, opposing left turn collisions, and head on collisions
Pedestrian safety statistics |
A 2011 study completed by Regional staff found:
- Approximately 900 pedestrians cross 13 Regional roundabouts every day.
- An estimated 300,000 pedestrians cross 13 Regional roundabouts per year.
- An estimated 1,200,000 pedestrians have crossed Regional roundabouts safely over the past 5 years.
- Less serious injuries occur at roundabouts compared to traffic signals.
- A study of 30 roundabouts in Ontario found that pedestrian collision rates are approximately 40 to 60 per cent less than pedestrian collision rates at comparable traffic signals with similar traffic and pedestrian volumes.
Average number of pedestrian collisions |
A comparison of pedestrian collisions occurring at 3 and 4-legged traffic signals and roundabouts over the past 5 years. In general pedestrians have been struck less often at roundabouts compared to traffic signals over the last 5 years.

A comparison of pedestrian collisions occurring at signals and roundabouts |
A comparison of where pedestrian collisions occur based on total collisions reported. It appears that pedestrians are struck at traffic signals on average once every 50 collisions. It appears pedestrians are struck at roundabouts on average once every 100 collisions.

Where pedestrian collisions occur in a roundabout |
A summary of where pedestrian collisions have occurred at roundabouts in the Region of Waterloo. Roundabouts have been in operation since 2004, and the first pedestrian collision occurred in 2009.

Roundabout education |
Public education is a vital component of the roundabout system.
Education materials |
Safe Roads Website
Brochures and DVD's
To request any of the brochures or DVD's in a hard copy send us a message.
History of educational campaigns |
Education campaigns and material date as far back as 2004.
- "A Yield Collision You Can Avoid" Brochure
- "Don't be a Dinosaur" Training Video
- "How the heck do you drive in a roundabout?!" Education Video
- Education materials were distributed to schools, companies, and government.
- Roundabout display boards were put up at local municipalities and local businesses.
- Staff went out into the community and held information sessions for residents and business owners.
- Portable Variable Message Signs (PVMS)
- These signs are being used at various roundabouts to display a variety of different messages.
- The messages have been based on different types of collisions occurring in the roundabout.
- "Learn the Turn! ... Roundabout Essentials
- An education campaign that included a roundabout training video.
- The video taught the essential skills needed to drive a roundabout properly, safely and easily.
- Roundabout Presentation provided to Regional Council members and the public on October 30, 2012.
- "Practice makes Perfect!" Education Campaign, included a series of 4 instructional television commercials highlighting proper driving habits at roundabouts.
- The Region held the "Great Roundabout Radio Contest"
- Local high school students produced Radio commercials that aired on 91.5 The Beat in February 2012.
"Signalling in a Roundabout"
- Huron Heights Students: Holly Ardelean, Holly Gadsby, Alyse Martin, and Chelsea Hewines.
- Listen to the Radio commercial.
"Overtaking/Passing in a Roundabout"
- Resurrection Students: Adeline Rivas and Tamas Feher.
- Listen to the Radio commercial.
"Yielding to Pedestrians when Approaching or Exiting a Roundabout"
- Resurrection Students: Erich Schleicher and Matt Kustra
- Listen to the Radio commercial.
Frequently asked questions |
Why is there landscaping in the middle? |
Landscaping is designed to prevent drivers from seeing the headlights of oncoming vehicles at night. It gives drivers a clear indication that there is an obstruction in the roadway and that they cannot drive straight ahead. As a driver entering a roundabout, you should look to the left, not across the roundabout, to see what traffic is approaching. |
How do I signal? |
A roundabout is similar to an intersection with signals you need to signal the direction in which you are going to take. When turning right, you need to signal right, when going straight you don't signal, and when turning left or doing a U-turn you signal left. The only difference is that whenever you exit a roundabout you need to signal right to show you are exiting. Below are step by step directions on how to signal:
Turning right |
- Signal right as you approach the roundabout in the right-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the right-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal as you exit in the right-hand lane.
Going straight |
- Do not signal as you approach the roundabout and select the appropriate lane.
- Stay in this lane until you need to exit the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit from the lane you are in.
Turning left |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout in the left-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the left-hand lane.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit in the left-hand lane.
Going full circle (U-turn) |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout in the left-hand lane.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout and stay in the left-hand lane.
- Signal right prior to your exit, and exit in the left-hand lane.
Why should I signal? |
A Region of Waterloo study at multi-lane roundabouts shows that motorists using their left-turn signal improve driver yield rates, improve vehicle-to-vehicle communications, and improves motorist decision making. |
I'm not a confident driver. Should I just drive in the outer lane? |
No. You must drive in the proper lane. Do not change lanes in the roundabout.
Turning right |
- Enter from the right lane.
- Travel in the outer lane of the roundabout.

- Exit directly from the right lane.
Straight through |
- You may enter from either the left or the right lane.
- Exit directly from the lane you are in.

Turning left |
- Enter from the left lane.
- Travel in the inner lane of the roundabout.
- Exit directly from the inner lane.

How do I cycle through a roundabout? |
A cyclist has two choices at a roundabout. Your choice will depend on your degree of comfort riding in traffic:
For Experienced cyclists
- Ride as if you were driving a car.
- Merge into the travel lane before the bike lane or shoulder ends.
- Ride in the middle of your lane; don't hug the curb.
Use hand signals and signal as if you were a motorist:
Turning right |
- Signal right as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal as you exit.
Going straight |
- Do not signal as you approach the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit only.
Turning left |
- Signal Left as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Signal right prior to your exit.
Going full circle (U-turn) |
- Signal left as you approach the roundabout.
- Maintain your signal through the roundabout.
- Signal Right prior to your exit.
- Watch out for drivers' blind spots.
For Less Confident Cyclists
- Dismount and walk your bicycle.
- Follow tips for pedestrians:
- Step to the curb and point your finger across.
- Look and listen for a safe gap in traffic flow.
- Do not cross until the driver stops.
- Keep and make eye contact with drivers in all lanes.
- Do not cross cross the middle of the roundabout.
- Wait on the splitter island.
What if an emergency vehicle comes through the roundabout? |
- Do not stop inside the roundabout.
- If you have not yet entered the roundabout, pull to the right and let the emergency vehicles pass you.
- If you are in the roundabout, exit as normal, then pull to the right and let the emergency vehicle pass you.
Why are roundabouts different sizes? |
The amount of traffic and appropriate travel speed generally determine the size of a roundabout. They are large enough for buses and large trucks, but small enough that you need to slow down to go around them. |
Will a large truck fit? |
Yes. At a roundabout, drivers of large trucks should:
- Straddle the entry lanes.
- Use both lanes within the roundabout.
- Don't try to leave space for another vehicle to pass you.
What are the common types of collisions? |
- Entering collision, when a vehicle entering the roundabout does not yield to a vehicle already in the roundabout.
- Rear-end collision, usually at the entrance to the roundabout.
- Turning collision caused by drivers using incorrect lane. Example: Turning left from right lane
What about snow removal? |
Generally there are no problems with snow removal in roundabouts. |