Administrative Penalties Program

The Region of Waterloo's new Administrative Penalties Program for Municipal Speed Camera Tickets

Effective February 3, 2025, the Region of Waterloo is introducing a new, user-friendly way for citizens to pay tickets issued for speeding incidents detected by Municipal Speed Cameras in school zones across the Region. These tickets, now called Penalty Orders, will be processed locally through the Administrative Penalties Program. This change makes the process faster and more flexible, with local customer service and support.

This program supports our community’s goal to improve road safety by encouraging safer driving speeds, especially in school zones and community safety zones. Speed is a key factor in the severity of collisions and speed cameras are proven to reduce speeding, creating safer environments for walking, rolling and cycling. For more information on local road safety initiatives, visit 

What’s New? 
  • Streamlined Process: Penalty orders are now administered by the Region of Waterloo’s Administrative Penalties Program, offering easy, online payment with faster processing times. Requests to appeal a penalty order are no longer processed through the Provincial Offences Court. Instead, reviews are now conducted electronically by written decision after review by a municipal Screening Officer or Council-appointed Hearing Officer. 

  • Similar to Parking Tickets: This new system operates much like how parking tickets are managed - without impacting a driver's record and no demerit points are issued. 

  • Improved Access and Service:  Citizens can go in person to any Regional building with a Customer Service desk or the Provincial Offences Court to pay a penalty order. Have questions or need help? Our Administrative Penalties Program team and the Region’s Service First Contact Centre are here to assist you (email us at or call 519-575-4400). 

Transition to the Administrative Penalties Program
  • Automated speed enforcement notices (Offence Notice) will continue to be issued during the transition period throughout February and will be processed through the Provincial Offences Court system.
  • For penalty orders issued as of February 3, 2025 through the Administrative Penalties Program, follow the updated process outlined  under Penalty Order Options
  • Please reference the images below to confirm the type of ticket received and follow the payment instructions as indicated on the ticket. Review our Frequently Asked Questions section for more details. 

sample offence notice and penalty order

Penalty Order Options

 Pay a Penalty OrderAppeal a Penalty Order
  • Pay online: Visit our online payment platform or scan the QR code on your Penalty Order. On the payment platform, choose the option to “pay” and proceed to the secure payment system to complete payment.  
  • Pay by mail: Any payment made through mail can be sent to the Administrative Penalties Program, P.O. Box 368, Waterloo STN, Waterloo, ON N2J 4A4. Cheques are to be made payable to the Region of Waterloo – Administrative Penalties Program.  
  • Pay by telephone: Only credit card payments can be taken when paying over the phone. To make a credit card payment by phone, call 519-575-4400. 
  • Pay in-person: Payment can be made in person by  debit, Visa/Mastercard, cheque or money order at the following Region of Waterloo buildings:         

       150 Frederick Street, Kitchener         

       99 Regina Street, Waterloo         

       150 Main Street, Cambridge 

       77 Queen Street North, Kitchener

Cash payments can only be received at 77 Queen Street North, Kitchener. 

Please have your penalty order number and your registered licence plate number available when making your payment. 

 Stage 1 – Request a Screening Review  

  • You can appeal your penalty order by requesting a review of the penalty order by a Screening Officer within 30 days of the deemed service date, found on the Penalty Order.  
  • Screening Reviews are conducted electronically by written decision unless an accommodation is required. 
  • If a Screening Officer determines that a meeting is required, the meeting will be held virtually (Microsoft Teams, or by phone). 
Stage 2 – Request a Review of Screening Officer’s decision with a Hearing Officer 
  • If you disagree with the decision of the Screening Officer, you may request a review of the Screening Officer’s decision to be conducted by a council-appointed Hearing Officer. This request must be made within 30 days of receiving the Screening Officer’s decision. 
  • Hearing reviews are conducted electronically by written decision unless an accommodation is required.  
  • If the Hearing Officer determines that a meeting is required, the meeting will be held virtually (Microsoft Teams, or by phone). 
Request Review
The Region of Waterloo is committed to developing an inclusive, barrier-free environment. If you require assistance or accommodation to complete the payment of your penalty order, request a Screening Review or if you require translation services, we will work with you to meet your accessibility needs. Please contact the Administrative Penalties program by email at or by telephone at 519-575-4400. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did I receive this penalty order?
  • If you are the owner of a motor vehicle that was detected travelling above the speed limit in a school zone where a speed camera is in use, you will receive a penalty order in the mail.
  • Municipal Speed Cameras are active in some school zones and community safety zones to improve road safety by lowering vehicle travel speeds in areas frequently used by children and other vulnerable pedestrians.
  • Speed is a key factor in the severity of collisions. A pedestrian struck by a vehicle travelling at 50 km/hr is almost 6 times more likely to be killed than a pedestrian struck at 30 km/hr.  
  • Implementing proactive measures to reduce dangerous speeding reduces the risk of serious collisions and creates conditions where people feel safer walking, rolling, cycling, and being active in their neighbourhoods. The Region will be expanding speed cameras to all eligible school zones by the end of 2028.
What is an administrative penalty and what is a penalty order?  
  • An administrative penalty is a monetary penalty issued to the registered vehicle plate holder for a speeding charge under the Highway Traffic Act that was issued by camera technology. The ticket issued for an administrative penalty is called a penalty order.  
  • Administrative penalties do not go on a driving record and demerit points are not issued. 
I received an Automated Speed Enforcement System Offence Notice for a speeding charge. What is the difference between an offence notice and a penalty order? 
  • Before the transition to the Administrative Penalties program, vehicle licence plate owners may have been issued an Automated Speed Enforcement System Offence Notice. Offence notices will continue to be issued during the transition period throughout February and will be processed through the Provincial Offences Court system.
  • Under the Region's new Administrative Penalties program, tickets are issued as Penalty Orders and they are no longer processed through the Provincial Offences Court office.   
  • Please follow the instructions as outlined on the ticket you received. 
 How are tickets (penalty orders) issued?  
  • The registered owner of the vehicle that is shown to have been speeding in the area where the speed camera is located will receive the ticket in the mail. 
  • You will never receive information regarding a penalty order or fine amount to pay via text, if you do, please do not pay it, as it is a scam. 
 What is the deadline to respond to a penalty order? 
  • If you have received a penalty order, you must respond (either by making payment or requesting an appeal) on or before30 days of the deemed service date. 
  • The deemed service date is the date that the penalty order is considered received by the registered vehicle owner. It is 7 days after the penalty order was processed and mailed. 
  • A request for additional time to pay the penalty order may be made after the expiration of the 30-day appeal period, per the Region of Waterloo’s by-law. 
What if someone other than the registered owner was driving the car?  
  • A Municipal Speed Camera captures an image of the vehicle licence plate of a vehicle deemed to have been speeding; it does not identify the driver of the vehicle. Accordingly, the penalty order is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle, not the driver.  
 How is the total amount payable calculated for my penalty order 
  • The amount of the penalty order is set by the Province of Ontario under the Highway Traffic Act. Fines for contraventions of “Speeding” under section 128 (refer to section 6 of Ont. Reg 355/22). See Table 1.
Each penalty order includes the following amounts: 
  • The penalty rate (as determined by the Province of Ontario un section 6 of Ont. Reg. 355/22)  
  • The corresponding Victim Component Surcharge (as determined and described in Table 2 of section 6 of Ont. Reg. 355/22) 
  • A Ministry of Transportation fee of $8.25, which is a cost incurred by obtaining access to the name and most recent address of the vehicle licence plate holder who is subject to the penalty order. 

Table 1: Fine amounts for speeding tickets issued by a speed camera, as set by the Highway Traffic Act, Ontario Regulation 355/22 (Administrative Penalties program):

Kilometers per hour over maximum speed limit​

Set fine in community safety zone or school zone

1–19 km/hr​ over

$5.00​ per kilometre​

20–29 km/hr​ over

$7.50​ per kilometre​

30–49 km/hr​ over ​

$12.00​ per kilometre​

50 km/hr​ or more over

No out of court settlement

 How are the revenues generated from the Administrative Penalties program used?  
Any surplus revenue above capital and operating costs is deposited in the Road User Safety Reserve, which is designated to be used for initiatives designed to improve safety for all road users in the Region. 
Where can I find the Certificate of Accuracy for the Municipal Speed Cameras in the Region? 
Please refer to the location and offence date on your penalty order to find the corresponding Certificate of Accuracy. To view the Certificate of Accuracy visit the Municipal Speed Camera Program page. Use the interactive map to locate the speed camera and click on the certificate icon. 
 Will there be an impact on my driving record as a result of a penalty order received for speeding? 
There are no demerit points issued with a penalty order and there is no impact on the registered owner's driving record for penalty orders that are issued from a Municipal Speed Camera.   
 What happens if I don’t pay the ticket/penalty order? 
  • Failure to pay the amount owing within 30 days after the Date of Deemed Service could result in additional fees if the outstanding penalty order is sent to the Ministry of Transportation’s Defaulted Fines Control Centre (MTO DFCC) to collect payment.  
  • Once the penalty order is sent to the DFCC for plate denial, the municipality cannot collect the outstanding amount or allow the penalty order to be appealed 
  • The vehicle plate holder will have to pay the outstanding amount to the MTO through Service Ontario to get their plate renewed. 
 Can I appeal a penalty order? 
Yes. There is a process in place for vehicle plate owners to appeal the penalty order received. Reasons to appeal could include:  
  • Vehicle was stolen 
  • Information on the Penalty Order is missing 
  • Financial situation 
The onus is on the registered owner of the vehicle to provide credible documentation and information to support their claimThe process to appeal a penalty order has two stages. Stage 1 is a Screening Review. If you disagree with the decision of the Screening Officer the appeal moves to stage 2, which is a review of the Screening Officer’s decision by a Hearing Officer. The Screening or Hearing Officer will determine what is fair and appropriate in the circumstances provided by the registered owner in their appeal request, as per the Region's Administrative Penalties Program guidelines 
What should I expect from a Screening Review?
  • Once you have submitted your Screening Review request, a Screening Officer will conduct a review of the penalty order, the supporting information and supporting documentation you have provided. The Screening Officer will then decide, based on the information provided, to either uphold, vary or cancel the penalty order. Failure to submit any supporting documentation in your Screening Review request may result in the Screening Officer deciding to confirm your penalty order.   
  • Once a decision has been made, the Screening Officer will send a written decision to you as soon as practicable after the decision is made. This decision will be provided electronically, by email or by mail.  
  • If you disagree with the decision of the Screening Officer, you can move to the second stage of the appeal process by requesting a Hearing Review to be conducted by a council-appointed Hearing Officer.  
What should I expect from a Hearing Review? 
  • If you do not agree with the Screening Officer’s decision, you can request a review of the decision by a Hearing Officer within 30 days of the date of the Screening Decision.  
  • You will need to provide a detailed reason for why you do not agree with the Screening Officer’s decision.  
  • The Hearing Officer will review the Screening Decision, the supporting information, and supporting documentation provided by you, and decide to either confirm, vary or cancel the penalty order.  
  • Once a decision has been made, the Hearing Officer will send a written decision to owner you as soon as practicable after the decision is made. This decision will be provided electronically, by email or by mail.  
  • The decision of the Hearing Officer is final. 
 Can I authorize someone else to act on my behalf?
Yes. You can have someone else represent you in the appeal process by submitting a completed Authorized Representation Letter to Alternatively, you may submit a completed form in person at the Region of Waterloo Customer Service Desk at 99 Regina Street, Waterloo.
 What accessibility accommodations are available to those who need to pay or appeal a ticket? 
The Region of Waterloo is committed to removing barriers and responding to accommodation needs of individuals accessing services. The following guidelines and policies are in place to meet accessibility requirements: 
Vision Barriers 
The AP program website and documents are designed for blind and low-vision users. 
Hearing Barriers 
Residents with hearing impairments can request a meeting in-person with ASL interpretation through the Region's Language Line or on Microsoft Teams, which offers closed captioning.  
Language Barrier 
  • Visit the Welcome Centre for assistance 
  • Use translation services on the Region’s website 
  • Attend in-person meetings with a family member or friend for interpretation 
  • Access the Region’s Language Line for translation services, including ASL 
Connection Barrier (No internet access) 
  • Contact the AP program by phone through the Service First Contact Centre at 519-575-4400. 
  • Use Zoom rooms at Regional buildings to access the website or attend virtual meetings. 
  • Receive communications by regular mail if you don’t have email access. 
  • Visit a Region of Waterloo Customer Service Desk to obtain a paper copy of a Screening Review or Hearing Review request. Any written appeal requests will need to be filled out and submitted with supporting documentation to the Customer Service Desk at 99 Regina St South to be processed.  
  What if I am not satisfied with the result of the screening review? 
  • If you are not satisfied with the result from the Screening Review, you may request a review of the Screening Officer’s decision by a Hearing Officer within 30 days of receiving the decision from the Screening Officer. This is not an opportunity to provide additional information or documentation.  
  • The Hearing Review is the second stage of the appeal process which allows a Hearing Officer to review all the same information the Screening Officer had available to them at the time of the Screening Review and determine whether the decision made was fair and reasonable. 
 What if I can’t make my screening or hearing review meeting? 
  • Cancellations or rescheduling of your meeting must be made at least 2 (two) business days before the scheduled meeting. 
  • If you do not reschedule or cancel your meeting within two (2) business days of your scheduled meeting date, an additional $60 no show fee will be applied. 
  • Please contact us immediately by phone at 519-575-4400 or email at to reschedule or cancel your meeting.  
  • Be advised that cancellations made within this time frame may still be subject to our cancellation policy. 
  • Any cancellation or request for rescheduling made within 2 (two) business days of the scheduled review will not be accepted. 
  • You may only cancel or reschedule a scheduled screening once. 
  • You may only cancel or reschedule a scheduled hearing once. 
 I missed my scheduled screening or hearing review meeting. What can I do? 
Failure to attend a scheduled meeting or cancel within the required time frame may result in additional fees applied to your penalty order and/or loss of your ability to continue the appeal process.  

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