The Region of Waterloo has a Standing and Advisory Committee structure to assist Regional Council with municipal matters. Standing Committees offer policy and operational recommendations to Council to aid in the decision-making process. The three main Standing Committees include all members of Council, with the Regional Chair as ex-officio member on all Committees. We also have many advisory committees that serve as forums for members of the public to provide their viewpoints on issues to Regional Council and staff.
View our meeting calendar for agendas, minutes and webcasts.
For information on how to submit correspondence or to speak at a Council or Committee meeting, you can visit our Communicate with Council page.
Standing Committees
Waterloo Region has three main Standing Committees that are solely comprised of the Members of Regional of Council:
Administration and Finance Committee |
The Administration and Finance (A&F) Committee is responsible for reviewing and reporting on all matters of administrative and financial importance referred to it by Council and other areas within the organization, including:
Members: All members of Regional Council Chair: Michael Harris Vice Chair: TBD Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Community and Health Services Committee |
The Community and Health Services (C&HSS) Committee is responsible for reviewing and reporting on all areas within the Public Health and Paramedic Services and Community Services departments referred to it by Council and other areas within the organization, including:
Members: All members of Regional Council Chair: Jim Erb Vice Chair: Pam Wolf Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Sustainability, Infrastructure and Development Committee |
The Sustainability, Infrastructure and Development (SID) Committee is responsible for reviewing and reporting on all matters relating to planning issues and public works operated by the Region and other functions related to the Region's facilities, including:
Formerly known as Planning and Works (P&W) Members: All members of Regional Council Chair: Colleen James Vice Chair: Doug Craig Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
The other Standing Committees have only select Councillors as members. These Committees are:
Audit Committee |
The Audit Committee monitors the effectiveness and efficiency of Regional programs by reviewing and directing the following:
Chair: Michael Harris Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Strategic Planning and Budget Committee |
The Budget Committee discusses budget issues and concerns and approves the Regional budget annually. Members: All members of Regional Council Chair: Michael Harris Vice Chair: TBD Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Library Committee |
The Library Committee is composed of the Regional Chair, the four Township Mayors, and one (1) non-voting community representative for each Township to represent the rural municipalities of the Region. Membership is meant to reflect the diversity of the Townships to encourage broad community participation and ensure that all citizens have an equitable opportunity for democratic engagement. Membership shall, as much as possible, reflect the diversity and demographics of the Townships in such areas as age, gender, language, geographic representation, race, and abilities. The Committee reports to Regional Council which serves as the Library Board. The Committee is responsible for making recommendations to Council on:
Chair: Natasha Salonen Vice Chair: Sue Foxton Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Licensing and Hearings Committee |
The Licensing and Hearings (L&H) Committee is responsible for reviewing and reporting on all matters relating to consumer protection, public safety and nuisance control within the Region of Waterloo, including:
Chair: Sue Foxton Vice Chair: Chantal Huinink Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Advisory Committees
Active Transportation Advisory Committee |
The Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) serves as a forum for the public to advise Regional Council and staff on cycling and pedestrian issues. Chair: Tim Osland Vice Chair: Ashley Cullen Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee |
The Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee (EEAC) advises staff on development applications and environmental assessments which potentially affect the Region's most significant natural features. It also advises on other environmental issues of interest to the Region. Chair: TBD Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC) is a cross-disability municipal advisory committee. Guided by the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, the committee provides advice to the local municipal Councils of the Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo, the Region of Waterloo and the Townships of Woolwich, Wellesley, Wilmot, and North Dumfries. The Committee provides vision and direction to promote and facilitate a seamless approach to effectively remove barriers across the community. Please visit the GRAAC website for more information on this committee. Co-Chairs: Tamara Cooper and Alyssa Clelland Contact: Emily Moore, 226-753-2202
Recruitment and applications for the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee is done by the City of Kitchener |
Heritage Planning Advisory Committee |
The Heritage Planning Advisory Committee (HPAC) was established in 1994 to advise the Region on heritage policies, issues and strategies. The committee is responsible for:
Current Initiatives:
All members must be residents of Waterloo Region. Appointed by Regional Council, they are chosen for their interest and experience with natural and built heritage. Municipal Heritage Advisory Committees in Waterloo Region:
Chair: TBD Vice Chair: TBD Contact: Regional Clerk's Office, 519-575-4400 |
Public Art Advisory Committee |
The Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) reports to the Community and Health Services Committee and administers Public Art Policy. This includes the procedure for selecting, acquiring, disposing, placing, maintaining and cataloguing public art using funds available from the Public Art Reserve Fund. Chair: Michelle Purchase Vice Chair: Rob Gorbet Contact: Regional Clerk's Office:, 519-575-4400 |
Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) |
The City of Guelph and the area municipalities from the Region of Waterloo are working together to establish a joint Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC). For more information on what MECAC does and to apply, please visit the Compliance Audit Committee page. Questions regarding the Committee or the application process may be directed to |
Conduct of Members of Local Boards, Foundations or Advisory Committees
The purpose of the Code of Conduct for Citizen Appointments to Local Boards, Foundations or Advisory Committees, is to provide a general standard for all citizen appointed members to ensure they are acting in a manner that is appropriate with regard to the body that they have been appointed to.
A complaint about a Member of a Local Board/Foundation/Advisory Committee must be submitted to the Regional Clerk for their consideration. The Clerk shall determine if a complaint should be sent to the Integrity Commissioner for their review.
Please see the Advisory Committee/Special Purpose Body Applications page for updates on current openings.Contact Us