Communicate with Council

The Region of Waterloo values citizen and stakeholder views and encourages all citizens to share these views with Council and Committee with respect and in a respectful and open manner. Opinions and concerns can be communicated through informal and formal channels.

Informal Channels

Communications shared through informal channels are NOT a matter of public record and not referred to during Council's decision-making process. Informal channels of communication include:


Councillors can be contacted by e-mail and phone and by general mail sent to 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, ON  N2G 4J3

 Public Information Centres
Public Information Centres are informal consultation sessions where information/input is collected on a particular project or program. Councillors may attend Public Information Centres and conversations with a Councillor at these sessions are informal. Written comments submitted at these sessions are part of the public record. For a listing of public information centres please visit the Public Engagement page.
Formal Channels

Communications shared through formal channels are a matter of public record and are documented and referred to throughout Council's decision-making process. This information is available through general inquiries and may be reported by the media. Formal channels of communication include:

Council/Committee Correspondence

Council/Committee Correspondence forms part of an agenda. It is provided to Councillors, Committee members and the media and is published as part of a Council or Committee agenda on the Region's website. This can be done instead of speaking at Council, Committee or Advisory Committee meetings. 

Please send Council/Committee Correspondence by:

Public Meetings

Public meetings are part of a formal public consultation. Anyone may share communications about topics listed on the Public Meeting Agenda. For a list of public meetings see our Public Notices page.

Regional staff gather comments and communications shared at public meetings and prepare a report containing recommendations to be heard at a future Committee meeting. Committee will then discuss the report and make recommendations for Council to consider at the next Regional Council meeting.

Note that sometimes public meetings are required for certain purposes (i.e. Planning Act, Development Charges Act) or required by the Region's Notice Policy. At public meetings, applicants and Regional staff provide details of the proposed application and the public then has an opportunity to present their comments regarding the application.

Public Meeting Guidelines
  • Registering as a delegation will provide individuals with the maximum amount of speaking time. You will only be allowed to speak once
  • Individuals do not need to register prior to the meeting, however the time to speak at the meeting will be limited.
  • Organized groups should consider designating a spokesperson
  • Multiple individuals speaking on the same issue should avoid repetition and provide new information only
  • Comments may also be submitted in writing

Special Note:

Under the Planning Act, if you do not express your views at a Public Meeting before a decision is made, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) may refuse your request for referral or dismiss all or part of your appeal without holding a hearing.

Delegations to a Regional Committee, Council, or Public Input Meeting

A delegation is a person or group who would like to speak at a Regional Committee or Council meeting regarding an issue or concern that is important to them or their community, and who would like to share their opinions or point of view with Councillors before a decision is made.

You are encouraged to first contact Regional staff to discuss your concerns. If you do not know who you should speak with, call 519-575-4400 and a Customer Service Representative can assist you. Some issues may not need a decision by Regional Council and yours may be one which can be resolved at the staff level.


To register as a delegation for any Committee or Council meeting please fill out the following form. For information regarding meeting dates and times, or for any other assistance or guidance, please call 519-575-4400 or contact the office of the Regional Clerk by e-mail.

You can also register as a delegation in person by visiting the Clerk's office at:

Regional Municipality of Waterloo Administration Building, 150 Frederick Street, 2nd Floor, Kitchener.

Delegation Registration Deadlines (as set in the Region's Procedural By-law)

To make sure your name is listed on the regular agenda as circulated, delegation registration should be received by noon one week before the meeting.

We recognize that this is not always possible. In these cases delegations must register 24 hours before the meeting start time to receive the full time allowed for speaking. Where possible these names will be listed on the Addendum agenda that is released the day before the meeting.

Delegations who register after these deadlines may still be heard, but shall be limited to a total maximum of three (3) minutes.

When you register, please be prepared to provide your full name (and the name of your business or organization if appropriate), address, daytime phone number, e-mail address if you have one, and the topic you want to speak to Regional Councillors about. If you have received a letter or saw advertising, it is helpful to give this information as well.

You can register as a group or as an individual.

General Delegation Guidelines

  • Any delegates that have registered by the deadline shall be given five (5) minutes to speak
  • Supporting documents must be received 24 hours in advance of the meeting
  • Electronic presentations must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance (12 slides maximum), otherwise will not be permitted
  • Direct your communications to the Chair
  • All communications should be confined to the stated business
  • Organized groups should consider designating a spokesperson
  • Please note that a group is considered a single delegation and shall be given five (5) minutes to speak
  • Multiple individuals speaking on the same issue should avoid repeating and provide new information only
  • Any delegation who has appeared at a Council, Committee, or Public Input meeting regarding a particular matter will not be allowed to delegate on that same matter for six (6) months; further submissions on the same matter can be submitted in writing to the Regional Clerk's Office, Council and Administrative Services

When and Where do Regional Council and Committees Meet?

You can find the dates of when council meets on our calendar. All formal communication requests must be directed to the Regional Clerk's Office, Council and Administrative Services.

More Information

More details about delegations can be found in our guide here.



A petition is a formal written request, signed by at least one person, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause. In order to have a petition presented to Regional Council, a petition form must be completed in its entirety and must be submitted to the Office of the Regional Clerk. Petitions created using online platforms such as will not be accepted.

You can find the petition form here.

Register to Speak

For more information on the formal communications methods listed above, contact the Regional Clerk's office, Council and Administrative Services by phone at 519-575-4400 or by e-mail

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