Garbage, Recycling and Landfill

 Waste Management Master Plan

Our latest Waste Management Master Plan was developed after significant consultation through an online survey and public information sessions, and approved in 2013.

To date, we have made good progress in completing the priorities of this master plan including standardizing curbside collection service levels in all seven area municipalities, and implementing a user pay (garbage tag) program. This will help extend the life of our landfill.

Future projects include investigating waste diversion options for multi-unit buildings (2019 to 2021) and planning a future disposal facility for garbage.

Need more information about our Waste Management Master Plan? Please,

  • Check out the information on our Publications page
  • Contact our Call Centre 519-575-4400 available 24 hours a day, everyday, or
  • Email us.

Quick facts, and links to Annual Reports

In 2020, the Region of Waterloo diverted an impressive 63 per cent of its waste from landfill. This diversion rate is due to the changes we introduced in 2017 which included:  the same level of curbside collection service in all seven area municipalities, a lower garbage limit, and every second week garbage collection (from weekly).

Below are links to our recent annual reports which detail statistics of our waste diversion programs, landfill, greenhouse gas reduction efforts, and other information:

For additional reports, go to our Publications and Resources page.

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