Construction and Design Standards

Design standards are for stakeholders working with the Region in planning, designing and constructing roadways.  

Construction standards

Construction contracts provide standard documentation for contracts and understanding between the Region and the contractors who build and repair roadways. 

Design Guidelines and Supplemental Specifications for Municipal Services (DGSSMS)

Municipal Standards (DGSSMS)

See below the design, material and construction specifications and standard drawings that are used by the Region of Waterloo and the City of Guelph. This document is updated annually to incorporate new technologies, methods and materials. It also includes design standards, material specifications and construction specifications for storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermains. 

*older versions of the DGSSMS document are available upon request*

Standard Construction Contract Specifications

*older versions of the Standard Construction Contract Specifications are available upon request*


Transportation guidelines
Capacity analysis, roundabout and signal warrants
Requirements for capacity analysis, roundabout and signal warrants should be used with the Transportation Impact Study (TIS) guidelines.
 Collision estimation and cost calculation
 To estimate the 20-year collision costs the Region follows procedures documented in the Highway Safety Manual. The 20-year collision costs for a proposed roundabout can be calculated more reliably by applying estimated total potential conflicts per day versus overall average annual daily traffic volume as a base condition. To assist in the process of estimating the 20-year collision costs, the Region has developed a Workbook, a copy of which can be obtained by contacting the Transportation Department at the hyperlink below.  To assess 20-year annual collision costs, open the Workbook and populate the appropriate requirements. Please ensure to provide a copy of both worksheets within the appendix of your reports.

To receive the most current version of the Workbook or for questions related to any information contained within the Workbook please contact us or call Transportation Department

Tel: 519-575-4558 | Fax: 519-575-4453 

Corridor design

The Context-Sensitive Regional Transportation Corridor Guidelines provide design standards for planning and designing complete streets that include space for all modes of transportation.

Impact study guidelines
The Transportation Impact Study Guidelines provide a tool in the development planning process.  The guidelines assist developers and public agencies in making land use decisions, provide information that identifies the impacts of proposed development on the existing streets and circulation networks and recommend mitigation measures for the impacts identified.
Noise Policy Implementation Guideline

The noise policy implementation guideline describes the process of assessing noise impacts, the responsibilities of the various parties, and the procedure for implementing noise reduction requirements.

We have automated the Noise Assessment Application and Fee Payment Process effective October 19th, 2020.

Roundabout guidelines

The Region of Waterloo has a roundabout policy that states that an Intersection Control Study be conducted when design work is being considered for:

  Region of Waterloo - TAC - Canadian Roundabouts Design Guide - Design Exceptions

Roundabout feasibility study documents
Roundabout workshop documents

Streetscape Planting Guidelines

Water and wastewater standards and guidelines

The Water and Wastewater Standards and Guidelines are available for consultants and Region of Waterloo staff during pre-design and design.

To access the Water and Wastewater Standards and Guidelines:

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