Bids and Tenders
You may register and download bid opportunities at: Tenders, Proposals, Consultant Selections, Pre-Qualifications and Expressions of Interest.
What is the procurement office responsible for?
We are governed by the Region's Purchasing By-law, which is the policy that dictates the processes required for spending public funds. The Purchasing By-law 16-032 as amended by Purchasing By-law 22-034 is typically updated every five years. All amendments to the by-law require Regional Council approval.
Procurement is responsible for purchasing all goods and services for all divisions within the Region. We are responsible for the complete end to end competitive bid process, vendor performance evaluations and contract negotiations. All purchases in excess of $150,000 are reported to Regional Council.
Accessible customer service training requirements - contractors, consultants and service providers
All contractors performing work for the Region must comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, in particular the Integrated Accessibility Standards, O. Reg. 191/11.
Without limitation, all contractors performing work for the Region shall maintain training records with respect to all accessibility standards training provided as prescribed in the Regulations under the AODA and in the Human Rights Code, including dates when training is provided, the number of personnel who received training, and individual training records.
Contractors shall submit to the Region, if requested, documentation describing their accessibility training policies, practices and procedures, and a summary of the contents of training, together with a record of the dates on which training is provided and the number of attendees.
Unless determined by the Region to not be practicable, contractors shall ensure that any information, products, deliverables and/or communication (as defined in the Integrated Regulation), including future updates, produced pursuant to a Contract shall be in conformity with World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and shall be provided in accessible Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF or other electronic format.
Access an e-learning course
The training requirements can be fulfilled by completing an e-Learning course:
- Serve-ability: Transforming Ontario's Customer Service
- Training modules on Integrated Accessibility Standards
Read the Ontario Human Rights Code as it pertains to people with disabilities.
Suggested links
Ontario Public Buyers Association
Grand River Cooperative Procurement Group
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