Public Health Baby Feeding Clinics

Public Health offers non-judgmental and confidential services. Our clinic appreciates the diversity of human beings and does not discriminate based on race, age, religion, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. We provide feeding support to all families; those that are breastfeeding, chestfeeding, body feeding, providing human milk, and providing artificial baby milk (formula).

Breastfeeding/chestfeeding has many benefits for both the lactating parent and baby. Even though breastfeeding/chestfeeding is natural, it can take time, practice and support. Our trained Public Health Nurses can help you.

Public Health Baby Feeding Clinics are FREE and available to infants of any age. Appointments offer one-to-one feeding assessments, advice, support and referrals to other community services. Early support (within 48 hours of discharge from hospital) is encouraged to get the best start.

Book your appointment online or call 519-575-4400 to speak to a representative. A representative can help book your appointment and can provide language support.

If you need support for 3 children or more, please call 519-575-4400 to book an appointment. 

Book Your Appointment - CambridgeBook Your Appointment - Waterloo

Book Your Appointment - Kitchener

Please note: We have recently updated booking platforms. Appointments can no longer be booked through a Pomelo account. Please click the link above to access our new platform to book an appointment. 

To cancel your appointment, click on the cancellation link in your confirmation email or call 519-575-4400. To book a new appointment, go through the booking process again by clicking on the link above.

If you have concerns about your baby's health or feeding prior to your appointment, please call your Primary Health Care Provider, Health Connect Ontario (811), or go to an Urgent Care Clinic or Emergency Department. For more information on your health care options, see

Clinic locations and times

Appointments are currently available in person, virtually or by telephone. Appointments are 45 minutes in length.

In-person appointments are available at:

Virtual or telephone appointments can be booked at any location. Please check any calendar for availability.

What can I expect at a Public Health Baby Feeding Clinic
  • The nurse will talk to you about your feeding history, your health history, your feeding goals and any challenges or concerns you may be having. 
  • You will be offered the option to have your baby weighed. 
  • The nurse can observe a feed and help with latching and positioning techniques.
  • At your appointment, the nurse can answer questions you may have, such as:
    • how to engage your partner or other support persons to help you to feed your baby
    • how to know if your baby is getting enough breastmilk, and what you can do if you have concerns
    • what cues to watch for to know if your baby is hungry or full
    • how and when pumping may work for you
    • what to plan for if you wish to return to work while continuing to breastfeed
    • any other infant care, growth and development and attachment questions you may have
  • At the end of the appointment, the nurse may provide you with a plan to maximize your feeding goals and can schedule another appointment if needed.
  • Our nurses can also make a referral to other community services and programs if needed.
  • Our nurses cannot prescribe medications or make a diagnosis.
How can I prepare for my appointment
  • Please be prepared/arrive 15 minutes early (to allow for parking and/or your appointment check in).
  • Bring your hospital discharge papers with you if your baby is under a month old. 
  • Bring any records you have for tracking feedings and wet and dirty diapers. 
  • If you would like, be ready to feed your baby. 
  • If you would like, a support person is welcome. 
  • Have your questions ready. 

For video/phone appointments:

  • If possible, find a private and quiet place for the appointment.
  • Let us know if there is anyone else listening in to the appointment. 
  • Have a pen and paper ready, if you want to take notes.
  • If you want the nurse to watch a feed, let a support person know you may need some help setting up or holding the camera.
  • A stable internet connection on your smartphone or computer with a camera and a microphone are needed for a virtual appointment.
More information about virtual and telephone appointments

Virtual and telephone appointments allow you to speak with the Public Health Nurse in the comfort of your own home. When you book a virtual appointment, you will receive a link to the video call in a confirmation email. At the time of your appointment, you can click on the link to view the nurse. If you are unable to access the video platform, the nurse will call you by phone. 

Virtual care is not a substitute for in-person communication or assessment by a Public Health Nurse. Some health concerns and questions can be addressed by virtual care alone. If this is not the case, the Public Health Nurse may recommend an in-person assessment or refer you to another health care provider or the Emergency Department. 

The Region of Waterloo Public Health and Paramedic Services uses a secure virtual care network called Ocean. All efforts will be made to ensure the information you provide us during a virtual assessment is private and secure, but no video or audio tool is considered completely secure. There is an increased security risk that your health information may be disclosed to a third party or be intercepted. To help keep your information safe and secure, you can use a private computer/device and secure internet connection.

Other breastfeeding/chestfeeding supports

Check the Breastfeeding Support in Waterloo Region for more information on breastfeeding/chestfeeding supports in our community, such as Breastfeeding Buddies.

For more information on breastfeeding/chestfeeding including common troubleshooting tips, techniques and videos, please visit our Breastfeeding page. 

For a free online interactive program to help you understand breastfeeding and your newborn, visit our Online Prenatal Program page. 

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