An outbreak of influenza has been declared for the Woodside home area at Sunnyside Home. This is in addition to the outbreak of influenza on the Cider Mill home area and the outbreak of an acute respiratory infection (ARI) on the Pioneer Tower home area. Residents who develop symptoms will be isolated. Please see below for details.
If you have questions about visiting Sunnyside Home or special requests, please call 519-893-8494 extension 6868. Please subscribe to our webpage to stay informed.
An outbreak of influenza has been declared for the Woodside home area at Sunnyside Home. This is in addition to the outbreak of influenza on the Cider Mill home area and the outbreak of an acute respiratory infection (ARI) on the Pioneer Tower home area. Residents who develop symptoms will be isolated.
The following outbreak measures are in place for the Woodside, Cider Mill, and Pioneer Tower home areas:
Masks are required to be worn by all staff and visitors while on the outbreak home areas. Masks are provided at the main entrance and at the entrance to Woodside, Cider Mill, and Pioneer Tower.
Visitors may continue to visit one at a time in the resident’s room.
Woodside, Cider Mill, and Pioneer Tower residents are asked to stay on the home area. If a resident needs to leave for an urgent reason, they should wear a mask if it can be tolerated.
If visiting with a resident in isolation, you must wear a mask, goggles, gloves and a gown.
Small group programs will continue on the outbreak home areas
Staff who work on an outbreak home areas are being co-horted to work only on that area
If you are visiting Sunnyside Home, please monitor yourself for symptoms and do not visit if you are feeling unwell. If the person you are visiting is experiencing symptoms, please report them to registered staff immediately.
Our infection control team will work with Public Health to work towards ending these outbreaks as soon as possible. We will continue to provide updates to the outbreak and measures in place to support it. If you have questions about this information, please email, call 519-893-8494 extension 6868 or speak to the team leader.
Pandemic Response and Visiting Information
We would like to remind visitors to monitor themselves for symptoms and not to visit if feeling unwell or cannot answer no to all questions on the COVID-19 screening tool. All preventative measures continue throughout the home and we will continue to provide updates if new information becomes available.
If you have questions about this information, please send us an email or call the Sunnyside hotline at 519- 893-8494 extension 6868.
Outbreak Protocols
Sunnyside Home has a COVID outbreak plan to reduce the risk of spread. When a resident or staff case of COVID-19 is identified, Sunnyside works closely with Waterloo Region Public Health to identify who that individual has been in contact with before their symptoms started or the individual tested positive. Residents and staff who are determined to be at higher risk are contacted and monitored for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. All staff and affected residents may be required to isolate at the direction of Public Health to prevent further spread of illness at Sunnyside or in the community.
Preventative measures remain in place to ensure the well being and safety of the people who live at Sunnyside and the staff who support them.
Screening and Surveillance Testing
All caregivers, support workers, volunteers and visitors must participate in passive screening. Screening questions will be posted at the main entrance. Please review and do not visit if you can not honestly answer no to all questions.
If your answer to any of the screening questions is "yes", please contact the Registered Nurse in charge at extension 6355 for the Kenneth Building or 6373 for the Franklin Building to discuss what steps you need to take to visit safely.
Visiting and connecting with residents at Sunnyside Home
We recognize that being able to connect with friends and family is essential to the emotional health and well-being of the residents of Sunnyside.
Our team has developed a plan based on direction of the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care as well as Public Health to support opportunities to connect residents with family, friends and the community in a safe and meaningful way. Please review our Public Policy for Visiting.
As a visitor to Sunnyside Home, please do your part to protect residents from COVID-19 and other infections. Monitor yourself for symptoms, do not visit and get tested if you are feeling unwell. Please carefully review the information below before your visit to Sunnyside Home.
If you have any questions about this information, please call the Sunnyside COVID hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868.
Caregivers provide direct care and support to the resident, which may include assisting with meals, mobility, personal hygiene, cognitive stimulation and emotional support. Each resident and/or their substitute decision maker (SDM) may designate caregivers to provide this support. These visits are unscheduled.
The following protocols must be adhered to for designated caregivers:
All caregivers must pass screening before they enter Sunnyside Home. Please review the screening questions
If visiting a resident who is symptomatic or in isolation, the caregiver will wear personal protective equipment as directed by Public Health
Caregivers must complete a visitor sign in sheet at the main entrance before each visit
Caregivers are asked to practice hand hygiene upon entering the building, before exiting and frequently during the visit. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building
Caregivers must be 18 years or older
Caregivers must review Sunnyside Homes Visitor Policy and complete mandatory infection prevention and control training prior to visiting the Home
For more information, please contact a Team Leader, call the Sunnyside Hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868 or e-mail
Outdoor visits
Outdoor visitors are required to pass screening. Please do not visit outdoors if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any signs or symptoms of respiratory illness or COVID-19
These visits do not need to be scheduled.
General Visitors
A general visitor visits for social purposes and is not a designated caregiver.
General visitors may visit residents provided the resident is not in isolation and the home area is not in outbreak. General visitors must enter through the main entrance, pass screening and complete a visitor sign in form.
Essential visitors
Essential visitors provide support a resident who is critically ill or nearing end of life or are contractors who provide critical care and services.
Family members with a loved one who is at the end of their life, is very ill or is in an emergency situation will be considered essential. If you have questions about whether this may apply to you, please contact your Team Leader.
The following protocols must be adhered to for essential visitors:
Essential visitors must pass screening. If visiting a resident who is symptomatic or in isolation, they will wear full personal protective equipment as directed by Public Health
Day or Overnight Absences
Please contact the Team Leader or Registered Nurse at least 48 hours in advance to arrange for an absence.
The following requirements must be adhered to for day absences:
Please inform the team leader or Registered Nurse as soon as possible if a resident was in contact with someone who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 while they were away from the home
Staff will continue to monitor all residents daily to detect the presence of infection, including COVID-19
Visitors accompanying a resident on a short absence must follow the screening requirements
Staff will review public health recommendations with the resident and the person accompanying them prior to going out
If the home area is in outbreak or if the resident is in self-isolation, absences may be postponed at the direction of Public Health until such time that the outbreak is over, or the resident is out of self-isolation.
Other ways to connect
We understand that you may want to connect with your loved one at Sunnyside and we hope that you will. In addition to the visits listed above, we would like to offer some support to keep you connected in other ways:
If you are unable to visit in person, we invite you to connect by Skype, FaceTime or Zoom. Call the Sunnyside Hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868 to arrange a video call
Send a letter by email to someone who lives at Sunnyside Home, we will be happy to share it with them. You can also send by mail to our address at 247 Franklin Street North, Kitchener ON. We encourage you to send photos and pictures along with your letters
Isolation and testing
Residents or staff who develop symptoms of a respiratory illness while in the home will immediately be isolated and tested for COVID-19
If a resident tests positive for COVID-19, they will be isolated from other residents
For staff who test positive for COVID-19, contact is traced back to prevent spread, and they will consult with the infection control team to determine a safe return to work
New residents to Sunnyside Home
When you become a member of the Sunnyside community, we will do our very best to introduce ourselves, make you comfortable and get to know you. We look forward to continuing your care, introducing you to new neighbours, and providing you with opportunities to socialize safely where possible.
Ensuring the health and safety of everyone who lives at Sunnyside requires that we take preventative measures for new residents arriving at Sunnyside Home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Residents who are admitted to Sunnyside Home or returning from another healthcare facility will not be tested or isolated for COVID-19 unless they are experiencing symptoms or moving from another long-term care home or healthcare facility in outbreak
New residents experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or who have tested positive will be isolated according to Public Health Guidelines
Additional safety precautions
Staff will continue to wear personal protective equipment as directed by the Ministry of Health appropriate to their role, duties, and contact with others.
Sunnyside will continue to maintain a sufficient supply of this equipment
Staff and residents continue to practice stringent hand hygiene
Our team works closely with Waterloo Region Public Health to ensure the highest standards of infection prevention and control and maintains an onsite infection prevention and control specialist
Service changes in Sunnyside Home, Sunnyside Wellness Centre, and Dementia Services
Sunnyside Home Hair Salon
Reflections Beauty and Barber Shop is open with enhanced safety measures in place. To inquire about pricing or book an appointment, please leave a message 519-893-8394 extension 6329 and the team will return your call.
Volunteer Services
Volunteers are active members of the Sunnyside Community. Volunteers are required to follow all infection control procedures.
Care Conferences
Care conferences are scheduled by the Team Leader of Registered nurse. Care conferences can be scheduled virtually or in person. Visitors attending care conferences must comply with all visitor guidelines, screening and infection control procedures.
Attending Physicians/Nurse Practitioners
Physicians and Nurse Practitioners provide support to the Home while following all infection prevention and control guidelines.
Fabulous Finds Gift Shop
The Fabulous Finds Gift Shop is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11:30am to 3:30pm.
Sunnyside Wellness Centre
The Sunnyside Wellness Centre is open for physiotherapy, massage therapy and foot care services by appointment. To book an appointment, please call 519-894-0805.
Community Alzheimer Programs
The Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge Day Programs are open.
Young Onset Dementia Association
The Young Onset Dementia Association is open.
More information on COVID-19
For more information, please visit these trusted sources:
Effective immediately, the Ministry of Long-Term Care is ending the enhanced masking measures. This means that wearing a surgical mask within Sunnyside Home is no longer a requirement. Staff, caregivers, visitors, volunteers and support workers will have the choice to wear a mask (or not) inside Sunnyside Home except when requested by a resident in their room, during an outbreak, or when guided to do so by the IPAC team. Although wearing a surgical mask inside the building is no longer required, it is still strongly recommended for all Sunnyside Home Long-Term Care staff and visitors when inside the building. If you have any questions, please call the Sunnyside hotline at 519-893-8494 extension 6868
Sunnyside Home
When you are no longer able to live at home, Sunnyside Home offers a warm, friendly atmosphere, modern amenities and quality care. Making sure you have the best quality of life is important to us. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you feel at home.
Sunnyside Home is a long-term care home owned by the Region of Waterloo in the Stanley Park area of Kitchener. Our 263 residents are part of a vibrant community in a park-like setting on a campus of services for older adults. Our grounds have gardens, walkways and courtyards to enjoy. There are also many opportunities to get involved so you can continue doing things that make you happy or try something new.
This video will give you a glimpse into what life is like at Sunnyside.
Vision, Mission and Core Value
Sunnyside Home is part of Seniors' Services, a division of the Region of Waterloo.
A compassionate community that cares for all people, stewards the land for future generations and where everyone has the opportunity to live a good life.
Providing essential services that support quality of life for each and every person in Waterloo Region.
Ontario Health atHome can help you determine if you need long term care, or if you are able to stay in the community with care and support in your home. If it becomes too difficult for you to live on your own, they can offer long-term care options.
Please do not submit any personal or health-related information about yourself or family members through the "contact us" link at the bottom of this page.
Sunnyside Home offers many services and amenities that make you feel safe and comfortable while living here.
Room types and rates
Private rooms are occupied by one resident with a private washroom.
Basic rooms are occupied by two residents with a shared washroom.
For more information on rates, eligibility, and to apply for Sunnyside Home, visit the Ontario Health atHome website or call 519-748-2222.
Home and Community Care Support Services can help you determine if you need long term care, or if you are able to stay in the community with care and support in your home. If it becomes too difficult for you to live on your own, they can offer long-term care options.
Sunnyside Home has achieved a Level 1, "Outstanding" accreditation from Meaningful Care Matters, an organization based out of the United Kingdom whose mission is to create meaningful care cultures where people are ‘free to be me’.
Two home areas at Sunnyside Home that provide care for people living with dementia have achieved Butterfly accreditation.
What is The Butterfly Approach
The Butterfly Approach is about making long-term care feel more like home. Schedules and tasks are replaced with flexibility and engagement. Staff don’t wear uniforms. The people working in the home share meaningful moments with the people living there every day and feel like family.
Other homes that have become certified in this approach have reported better health, social and emotional outcomes for residents.
What does a Butterfly home look and feel like?
A Butterfly home is full of colour and life! It reflects the unique interests, history and personality of the people living and working within the home. Objects and items are always in reach to engage people in activities that give them meaning and purpose.
Butterfly homes have a kitchen with access to food and drinks throughout the day and comfortable spaces where people can spend time together.
What does certification involve?
Certification in the Butterfly Approach involves:
Moving away from task based, clinical model of care to a more flexible and relaxed approach.
Providing staff with training and tools that enable them to make emotional connections with the people living in the home as well as an understanding of the complex needs of people living with dementia.
Enhancing the environment to make it feel more like home full of colour, texture and the stuff of life to spark discussion and change a moment.
Creating unique households and spaces to support the unique needs of individuals at different stages of the dementia journey.
How can I learn more about The Butterfly Approach
To learn about our Butterfly journey at Sunnyside Home, please contact:
Vera Savic, Person-centred and Emotion-focused Care Lead, 519-893-8494 extension 6368
How can I support The Butterfly Approach?
Sunnyside Home's certification in The Butterfly Approach along with a number enhancements to the physical environment have been generously funded by the Sunnyside Foundation, a registered charity that raises funds to enhance the lives of older adults in Waterloo Region.
To learn more about The Sunnyside Foundation or to make a donation in support of The Butterfly Approach, please visit
Come in to Sunnyside Home! Call 519-893-8494, ext. 6360 to schedule a tour.
Get involved
There are many ways to get involved in the Sunnyside community, for residents and others who would like to lend a hand to older adults. Click below to learn more about each opportunity.
Donate to the Sunnyside Foundation
The Sunnyside Foundation raises money to enhance the well-being and quality of life for people served by Sunnyside Seniors' Services.
The Foundation has raised over $2.5 million since 1998 in support of projects and programs.
Join the Joint Resident, Family and Volunteer Advisory Committee
This committee gives counsel and advice to Sunnyside staff on planning activities and the operation of the home. It is made up of five residents, three family members and two volunteers.
Attend Residents' Council meetings
The Residents' Council provides an opportunity for residents to be involved and contribute to the decisions which impact their lives.
Residents' Council at Sunnyside Home meets monthly on every floor. All residents are welcome to attend and to share feedback and suggestions.
Attend Family Council meetings
Family members and friends of residents of Sunnyside meet monthly to support each other and to receive updates from the home's leadership team.
The family council hosts annual education sessions on topics of interest to its members.
Do You Have Questions About Moving to Long-Term Care?
Navigating the journey into Long-Term Care (LTC) can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Family Councils Ontario has created a comprehensive Long-Term Care Navigation Guide to help you understand the process, plan ahead, and make informed decisions.
Some of the topics covered in this guide are:
Where to Start
Applying for Long Term Care
Understanding Financial Support
Engaging with the Care Community
This guide is a practical resource to empower individuals with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the complexities of long-term care, ensuring a positive and informed experience.
RAVE: A Great Way to Show Your Appreciation for Sunnyside Staff
What is RAVE?
RAVE is an employee recognition tool that is used throughout the Region of Waterloo. Sending a Sunnyside staff member a RAVE card is great way to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work!
How can I send a RAVE card?
If you would like to send a card online, please complete this form. We will make sure that your message gets to the appropriate staff member.
If you would like to send a card in person, please visit the RAVE station onsite at Sunnyside Home. After you write your card, you can put it into the mailbox at the RAVE station or into any of the Resident Suggestion Boxes. On the envelope, please make sure to write the staff member's name, their role, the home area they work on, and any other helpful information so we can make sure it gets to the right person. You can also give the staff member the card directly.
When should I send a RAVE card?
Whenever you feel like a Sunnyside staff member has gone above and beyond, please consider sending them a RAVE card to let them know how much you appreciate their actions.
For more information about the RAVE program, please contact Jeff Burton by email at, by phone at extension 6377, or in person by visiting the Sunnyside Foundation office.
Leadership Team Contacts
Address: 247 Franklin Street North, Kitchener, ON N2A 1Y5
A Strategic Plan identifies the kind of community we want to build together and what decisions we need today to make this vision a reality. The Strategic Plan outlines the roadmap the Seniors' Services program area will follow from now through 2027.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Plan (2024/2025)
The Quality Improvement Report identifies some of the things that Sunnyside will work towards in the coming year (2024/2025). The intent of the report is to promote continuous quality improvement across all long-term care homes in Ontario.
2023 Resident and Family/Caregiver Satisfaction Survey
A sincere thank-you to the 102 residents and 144 care partners who completed the 2023 Sunnyside Home satisfaction surveys last Fall. We are pleased to present the results and action items emerging from the surveys.
Resident Survey Results:
88% of residents rated Sunnyside Home as a “good” or “excellent” place to live.
82% of residents like the food served at Sunnyside Home
90% of residents get help when they need it in a timely way
93% of residents agreed that the people who work at Sunnyside listen to them
97% of residents would recommend Sunnyside to someone who needs care
Family Survey Results:
Most Care Partners (97%) rated Sunnyside Home as a “good” or “excellent” place to live.
The satisfaction ratings listed below reflect the percentage of care partners who selected the ratings of “very good” or “excellent” in rating Sunnyside Home on the items listed below.
97% satisfaction rating: Allowing you to provide help or care to the resident
96% satisfaction rating: Not counting on you to provide more help than you want to provide
96% satisfaction rating: Making the home a pleasant place to visit
95% satisfaction rating: Quality of care provided in the home
95% satisfaction rating: Respect for the resident’s dignity
93% satisfaction rating: Resident safety
93% satisfaction rating: Staff’s attitude towards the resident (respect, concern, caring)
92% satisfaction rating: Smell of the home
92% satisfaction rating: Making you feel welcome when you visit
92% satisfaction rating: Making you feel confident in the care the resident receives
91% satisfaction rating: Staff respect for the resident’s privacy
91% satisfaction rating: Communicating with you about the resident’s health status
90% satisfaction rating: Cleanliness of the home
90% satisfaction rating: Allowing the resident to choose to receive or refuse care
88% satisfaction rating: Answering questions that you might have
87% satisfaction rating: Comfort of the resident’s room
87% satisfaction rating: Having staff who know the resident
87% satisfaction rating: Personal care and attention given to the resident
86% satisfaction rating: Including your thoughts and opinions in planning the resident’s care
86% satisfaction rating: Management responding well to your concerns
85% satisfaction rating: Staff going the extra mile to resolve problems
82% satisfaction rating: Staff doing what they say they will do
81% satisfaction rating: Being able to see nurses when needed
81% satisfaction rating:Quality of food served to the resident
80% satisfaction rating: Atmosphere at meal time
80% satisfaction rating: Having the same staff assigned consistently
78% satisfaction rating: Offering activities that are interesting to the resident
77% satisfaction rating: Menu choice of food available to the resident
68% satisfaction rating: Being able to see physicians when needed
Action Plan:
The following action items have been identified based on the survey findings:
Increase staffing levels through the hours of care funding.
Implement person-centred dining guidelines.
Seek guidance from the Resident Leadership Team on supporting a person-centred approach to care.
Promote resident’s choice and seek resident feedback in the selection of menu items. Residents may mix and match items from the show plates or may choose one of the "always available" items.
Engage residents in the design of recreational programming.
Conduct a review of the resident clothing labelling process to determine if there are ways in which it could be improved.
Provide education regarding how physicians work in Long-Term Care.
For more information of the results of the 2023 Sunnyside Home Satisfaction Surveys, please contact Kelly Buxton: 519-893-8494 extension 6388 or by email:
Making a Complaint
Complaints Policy Statement
Sunnyside Seniors' Services adheres to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct. There may however, from time to time, be concerns or complaints regarding our service from residents, their care partners, service providers, or the community.
Receiving feedback from those we serve is an integral component of our quality improvement process and supports us in identifying areas where we need to change our policies and practices.
Sunnyside Seniors' Services is committed to ensuring that any complaint we receive is handled in a way that is timely, fair, and respectful.
Making a Complaint
If you have feedback on the services you received or a concern related to any area of the Home, we encourage you to speak with a member of our team so that we can address your concerns promptly.
You are welcome to speak with any member of our direct care staff as they be able to quickly resolve your concern. If additional steps are needed to resolve your concern, the staff member will explain what the next steps are and may ask you to speak with the Registered Nurse.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, we encourage you to speak with the Manager for the appropriate Home Area. You can contact the manager by calling 519-893-8482 and asking to speak with the Manager assigned to your Home Area.
If you still have an unresolved concern, you are welcome to contact: Marie Belanger, Manager, Resident Care (Director of Personal and Nursing Care) at 519-893-8494 ext 6312.
If your concern was not addressed to your satisfaction, please contact Angela Steadman, Administrator Long-Term Care at 519-893-8494 ext 6055.
If after following the above steps your concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact Julie Wheeler, Director Seniors' Services at 519-893-8494 ext 6310.
Issues, concerns or complaints not addressed to your satisfaction can also be directed to the Ministry of Long-Term Care by calling: Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line at 1-866-434-0144 or in writing to Director, Long-Term Care Inspections Branch, 119 King Street West, 11th Floor, Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y7.
If you have already contacted the Home directly and the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line and you were not able to reach a satisfactory resolution, you may also contact the Patient Ombudsman by calling 1-888-321-0339.
All formal concerns and complaints received in writing will be documented, including a list of the issues, date expressed, follow-up actions taken, final resolution of the concern and the date that feedback was provided to the complainant. We will respond in 10 business days to all written complaints and the Ministry of Long-Term Care will receive a copy, including a description of the follow-up action.
Emergency Plans
Legislative Requirements
Since 2010, long-term care homes have been required to have written emergency plans for specified emergencies. Emergency planning requirements were expanded in 2021 under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act (O. Reg. 246/22). Emergency plans are written with the intent of meeting and ensuring compliance with a variety of applicable Acts and associated legislation. Key applicable legislation can be found in the following Acts.
Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1990
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1990
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, 1990
Health and Safety Act, 1990
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
Emergency Defined
An Emergency is defined by the “Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, 1990” as: "A situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident, or an act whether intentional or otherwise."
Process for Managing Emergencies
To ensure that Sunnyside is prepared for dealing with the legislatively designated emergencies, a management plan has been created that reflects the listed legislation in O. Reg 246/22 s 268. (Fixing Long Term Care Act, 2021)
The emergency plans include five key components to effectively manage an emergency:
Prevention: actions taken to prevent emergencies from occurring
Mitigation: actions taken to minimize impacts to the organization that cannot be reasonably prevented
Preparedness: actions completed in advance to ensure the organization is ready to deal with the emergency issue as it arises
Response: actions taken before, during and immediately after an emergency to manage related consequences
Recovery: steps taken to return the organization back to normal operation
List of Primary Emergency Procedures at Sunnyside
Code Red: Fire
Code Green: Evacuation
Code White: Violent/Behavioural Threat
Code Blue: Medical Emergency
Code Brown: Chemical Spill/Release
Code Purple: Hostage Taking
Code Grey: Loss of Essential Systems
Code Black: Bomb Threat
Code Silver: Active Shooter/Assailant
Code Orange: Natural Disaster/Extreme Weather
Code Aqua: Hold and Secure in Place
List of Secondary Emergency Procedures at Sunnyside (Not Colour Coded)
Outbreaks of communicable diseases, outbreaks of a disease of public health significance, epidemics, and pandemics
Boil water advisory
Stakeholder Consultation
To support emergency policy development and oversight of necessary changes, Sunnyside engages internal and external stakeholders, as applicable. Stakeholders engaged include, but are not limited to staff, residents, and community partners.
Internal stakeholders include:
Resident Leadership Team
Joint Health and Safety Committee
External stakeholders include:
Health Organizations (Ministry of Long Term Care)
First Responders (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
Region of Waterloo (Health and Safety, Emergency Management, Public Health)
Other Long Term Care Homes
Legislative Bodies
Emergency Plan Content
Emergency plans, at Sunnyside, follow a standardized format to support comprehension and an effective response should an emergency occur. Each emergency plan articulates:
Plan Activation: defines how the plan will be activated
Lines of Authority: defines the roles and responsibilities of individuals/positions
Communication: defines processes for communications
Roles and Responsibilities: defines roles for all responders
Recovery: defines the processes to return back to normal operations after dealing with an emergency
Debrief: learning from the emergency and updating emergency policies and plans as applicable
Testing/Evaluating and Improving Emergency Plans
Emergency plans at Sunnyside are tested/evaluated, and improvements to the plans are made as necessary. Testing of emergency plans at Sunnyside aligns with the requirements of the FLTCA:
Either annual or every three-year testing of emergency plans completed (based on an internal schedule).
Testing takes the form of table-top exercises, drills, and functional exercises/simulations.
If an emergency response takes place, an evaluation is conducted within 30 days following the emergency being declared over and necessary plan improvements are made.
In addition to internally facilitated testing of emergency plans, annual testing of Sunnyside’s fire and evacuation emergency plans are led by the local Municipal Fire Department. This testing tests and evaluates the organization’s response to fire and evacuation. For all table-top exercises, drills and functional exercises/simulations an audit and evaluation is completed and corresponding documentation about what went well and what needs improvement is captured and followed up on.
All staff regardless of discipline or position in the organization receive education at time of hire and annually thereafter via Sunnyside’s online learning modules. Further training on emergency procedures, for staff, is provided by Sunnyside’s Staff Education Coordinator and the Coordinator, Quality Improvement and Risk Management. This training uses diverse modalities including: table-top exercises, drills, and functional exercises so that staff understand how to respond in the event of an emergency. Volunteers are also oriented to emergency plans. This is led by Sunnyside’s Volunteer Coordinator.
Access to Information
Emergency plans can be accessed via multiple means:
Emergency posters with information on all colour coded emergencies (located throughout facility in direct care areas and meeting rooms)
Hardcopies in Master Emergency Binder (onsite)
Hardcopy in Café Library in Emergency binder (onsite)
Follow these steps during a building-related emergency
Code Red: Fire
Action: Evacuate
Page code red overhead
Remove persons in immediate danger
Alarm: pull the alarm if not sounding
Close windows and doors to contain smoke
Evacuate persons beyond the area of danger
Search rooms and turn up EVAC alert sign
Do not use elevators
Shut off equipment/appliances if safe to do so
Follow direction from the lead RN/RPN
Code Green: Evacuate
Action: Evacuate
Page code green overhead
Notify security
Assist all persons who need to be evacuated (RN to provide direction as applicable)
Move residents to safety as directed by RN
Report to RN if resident remains in room
Code White: Violent/Behavioural Threat
Action: Manage Situation
Activate code white (pendant/call for help)
Respond to code white in your area
Respond to code white (outside of your area) if phone alert is received
If safe, redirect/distract
Help others to safety
Wait in safe location for help if necessary
Take direction from Lead RN/RPN
Code Blue: Medical Emergency
Action: Assess and respond
Page code blue overhead
Assist as directed
RN/RPN respond immediately
Bring code blue cart
Code Brown: Chemical Spill/Release
Action: Shelter-in-place
Notify RNs
Call 911
Page code brown overhead
Stay away from/open windows and close exterior doors and move others to safety
Disable all automatic doors
Remain inside and do not leave unless directed to do so
Place wet towels at openings
Do not use elevators
Listen for emergency announcements
Code Purple: Hostage Taking
Action: Run-Hide-Act
Call 911
Notify security if safe to do so
Notify RN
Direct others to stay clear
Do not place yourself in an unsafe situation
Do not negotiate unless necessary
Do not page overhead
Code Grey: Loss of Essential Systems
Actions: Assess and respond, Notify management, Notify RN
Policy covers:
Telephone and fax failure
Nurse call failure
Fire alarms
Building security
Mag lock failure
Loss of cooling
Loss of heating
Code Black: Bomb Threat
Action: Report and follow directions
If you receive a suspicious letter/package, call 911 and wait for emergency responders for direction
If you receive a verbal bomb threat, follow bomb threat checklist
Notify security and RN
If evacuation is called, follow code green
Take direction from emergency responders re: paging overhead
Code Silver: Active Shooter/Assailant
Action: Run-Hide-Act
If you see or hear an active shooter/assailant, call 911/security
Do not page overhead
If you receive a code silver notification, assess risk and get yourself to safety:
Run - if it is safe to do so
Hide - if it is unsafe to run
Act - if it is unsafe to hide, take action to protect yourself
Code Orange: Natural Disaster/Extreme Weather
Action: Shelter-in-place
Notify RNs
Call 911
Page code orange overhead
Stay away from/open windows and close exterior doors and move others to safety
Disable all automatic doors
Remain inside and do not leave unless directed to do so
Do not use elevators
Listen for emergency announcements
Code Aqua: Hold and Secure in Place
Action: Hold and secure
Page code aqua overhead
Notify security
Move to an area which can be safely locked
Direct/assist others to do the same
Close and lock all main access doors to your area
Stay away from any windows and doors
Remain inside and do not leave the building unless directed
Listen for any emergency announcements
Wait for all-clear announcement before resuming normal operations
Building Emergency Response Team (BERT)
BERT is comprised of senior leaders and will convene during an emergency to manage the initial response and determine if a secondary response is needed.
For more information about Sunnyside’s Emergency Plan please feel free to contact Gerard Reuss, Coordinator, Quality Improvement and Risk Management at
Visitor Policy
We recognize that being able to connect with friends and family is essential to the emotional health and well-being of the residents of Sunnyside.
Our team has developed a plan based on direction of the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care, as well as Public Health to support communities to connect residents with family, friends and the community in a safe and meaningful way. Please review our Public Policy for Visiting.
As a visitor to Sunnyside Home, please do your part to protect residents from COVID-19. Visitors to Sunnyside Home must be fully vaccinated if they are over the age of five and follow all public health measures. Monitor yourself for symptoms, and do not visit and get tested if you are feeling unwell.
If you have any questions about this information, please call the Sunnyside hotline at 519-893-8494, ext 6868.
Protecting your privacy: We respect your right to confidential care. Please see our Information Practices Statement for details.
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