Affordable Housing Plan
Building Better Futures: 2,500 Homes in 5 Years
The Region of Waterloo is committed to making housing affordable for all because we believe communities thrive when everyone has a place to call home. With the need for affordable housing growing, the Region is dedicated to increasing the number of affordable homes. Housing is affordable when the household spends less than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs.
Our plan aspires to develop up to 2500 new homes over the next five years, increasing affordable housing we generate from an average of 50 units per year to 500 units per year.
The plan includes the following elements:
- Lands for Affordable Housing: using land to develop affordable housing
- Funding and Resources: including a procurement process to provide access to funding and land for developing affordable housing
- Community Engagement: seeking input and feedback from the community to realize this vision and meet objectives
- Cross Departmental Staff Support: building the right team to lead the ambitious plan
As we move forward with our strategic plan for affordable housing, you can stay up to date on our progress with this dashboard. It displays key updates, including how many new homes have been occupied to date, a projection of new homes in development, and a map plotting each site.
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