Landfill and Recycling Centre
The Region is responsible for a number of waste management sites and facilities:
- The Cambridge Waste Management site which is located at 201 Savage Drive and approximately 137.6 hectares, includes a public drop-off area, large waste transfer building, and compost pad,
- The Waterloo Waste Management site which is located at 925 Erb Street West and approximately 126 hectares, includes a public drop-off area, environmental education centre, recycling sorting centre, and the only landfill operating in Waterloo Region, and
- Five closed landfills
Our sites accept waste that is produced within only Waterloo Region. Waste from other areas is not allowed.
For information on our Waste Management sites, including locations, hours, fees and services
- For residents - please go to our Waste Drop-off Sites and Programs page.
- For businesses - please go to our Business/Commercial waste page.
And check out our videos, including a virtual tour of our Waterloo Waste Management site.
If you can't find the information you are looking for, please contact our Call Centre at 519-575-4400, available 24 hours a day, every day.
Our landfill |
The Waterloo landfill is located at 925 Erb Street West (Gate 1) and is the only operating landfill in Waterloo Region. The City of Waterloo opened the landfill in 1972 and managed it until 1973. When the Region of Waterloo was formed in 1973, the Region took over operations. The area designated for garbage disposal at the Waterloo landfill is approximately 71 hectares. The area is divided up into 15 cells. The Waterloo landfill operates under guidelines and regulations established by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). Its design and operation is engineered to reduce the environmental impacts of landfilling operations. The Waterloo landfill protects the surrounding ecosystem with the following safeguards: 1. Leachate collection systemWater from rain and snow filters through the waste creating a liquid called leachate. To prevent leachate from reaching the groundwater,
The original landfill area (OLA) of the Waterloo landfill was constructed without a bottom leachate collection system which was the design standard at that time. As technology and new standards developed, a collection system around the OLA perimeter was installed between 1987 and 2004. The new expansion cells constructed since 1994 are fully clay-lined and have bottom leachate collection systems that meet modern design standards. 2. Clay linerThree metres of compacted clay line the base and sides of each new landfill cell. The compacted clay helps to keep water and contaminants (the leachate) from seeping into the groundwater. 3. Landfill gas collection systemWaste buried in the landfill decomposes and produces landfill gas. Methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas, is the main component of landfill gas. In 1993, we developed a strategy to collect landfill gas from both the older portions and new areas of the landfill. The main goals of this landfill gas collection system are to minimize emissions to the atmosphere, underground gas migration, and off-site odours. The gas is collected through a network of pipes that connect vertical gas extraction wells and horizontal collection trenches. Valve chambers, mechanical blowers, and landfill gas flares are other important components of the gas collection system. The landfill gas is moved to one location for flaring or re-use. Flares were used prior to our partnerships:
4. Litter control fencingLitter control fences border our Waste Management sites. Portable litter screens are moved around the active landfill areas (tipping face) of the Waterloo landfill as needed to provide extra litter control. 5. Daily and intermediate coverAt the end of each work day, waste is covered to prevent blowing litter, discourage pests from getting into the garbage, and reduce odours. The Waterloo landfill uses three different types of daily cover: 15 centimeters of soil, a reusable plastic tarp, and spray-on mulch. The tarp and spray-on mulch save space in the landfill. Intermediate cover consists of about 30 centimeters of soil placed in inactive areas of the landfill where waste was placed. The intermediate cover provides a temporary cap until waste is placed in the area again. 6. Clay capping and seedingOnce a landfill cell reaches its maximum height, one metre of compacted clay is placed to close it. Then, a layer of topsoil is added, and grass seed is sowed.
Landfill environmental monitoring programs |
Stormwater management and monitoringThe Waterloo landfill currently has five stormwater ponds to handle surface water run-off. Surface water runs into ditches and drains into onsite stormwater ponds. These ponds are monitored on a regular basis to ensure provincial surface water quality objectives are met. Silt that builds up is removed when required and used as daily cover. The ponds are naturalized to blend with the existing wetlands in the area. Groundwater monitoringStaff regularly sample and test over 180 monitoring wells located at the Waterloo landfill. Since the original landfill area is not fully lined at the base, as was the practice in the 1970s to prevent impacted groundwater from moving off-site, an extraction system was installed. The system pumps the affected groundwater to a surface water ditch and pond. Impacted groundwater is treated as it reacts with the oxygen in the air, resulting in surface water that meets applicable provincial guidelines. Air quality monitoringThe Region monitors the air quality down-wind of the landfill and compares it to the up-wind air quality as well as against criteria set out by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). In addition to the MECP required monitoring, the Region monitors air quality in community surveys and in landfill walkover surveys. Since 2004, the Waterloo Region Landfill Liaison Committee and planning staff have introduced a clause on property for new subdivisions and commercial sites in the area. This clause states: "Due to its proximity to the Waterloo Waste Management Facility, odour levels on this property may occasionally cause concern to some individuals." If you have concerns about landfill odours, please use the online form. |
When the landfill closes |
The Waterloo landfill will reach capacity in approximately 25 years. When full, the site will hold approximately 15 million cubic metres of garbage. In April 1991, after evaluating various options, the official After Use Plan for the Waterloo landfill was developed. This plan has been approved by the Province. The final end use will allow for recreational uses such as hiking, biking and walking in an environment. As areas of the landfill are closed, the Region naturalizes the completed slopes of the Waterloo landfill to blend in with the nearby forest. Nine naturalized areas have been completed since 1997. Each area is first prepared with clay capping, topsoil, seeding, peat, compost and wood chips. Native species of shallow-rooted trees and shrubs are then planted. These areas are regularly evaluated and are maintained as required. The revegetated areas at the Waterloo landfill cover an area of 2.8 hectares and contain over 11,250 trees and shrubs. Closing a landfill site requires final cover (capping) materials, surface drainage, leachate control and landfill gas management systems. The landfill will continue to be monitored after the closure and the environmental control systems will be maintained. A long-term sustainable option for dealing with garbage is being guided by our Waste Management Master Plan. |
Closed landfills |
There are five closed landfills in Waterloo Region which are monitored by the Region of Waterloo:
Waterloo Region Liaison Committee |
The Waterloo Region Landfill Liaison Committee was formed in 1993 for the Waterloo Landfill Site to:
The residents on the committee select and retain independent consultants (paid by the Region) to provide support on their behalf. The consultants advise on technical matters regarding landfill monitoring and operations. Meetings are held once every three months at 7 p.m. at the Waterloo Waste Management site (Administration Building, 925 Erb Street West (Gate 1), Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4). These meetings are open to the public; residents do not need to call ahead to attend. Please refer to the schedule below. 2024 meeting schedule for the Waterloo Region Landfill Liaison Committee:
In 2023, meetings were held on February 7, May 2, August 22, and November 7. If you have questions about this committee or want more information about their meetings, please email us. |
History of the blue box |
When our Materials Recycling Centre opened, it was the first community-sized sorting centre in Ontario. It was renamed in Mr. Ludolph's honour in April, 2012. Over 35,000 metric tonnes of recyclables were collected each year through the Blue Box and Blue and Grey Cart programs and sorted at the recycling centre. Once sorted, the materials were sold and shipped by trailer loads to various markets. |
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