Water Savings for Multi-Residential Properties

On this page:

Use less water and lower your water costs for your multi-residential property. This includes apartments, condominiums, student housing, duplexes and  triplexes. The Region of Waterloo has free programs and resources including our outdoor water savings tips sheet and multi-residential water saving tip sheet to help.

Do you have questions about multi-residential water savings? Get in touch with us at watercycle@regionofwaterloo.ca

Multi-residential program information

Toilet Flapper and Fixture Replacement Program

Receive a $15 rebate for every toilet flapper you replace. When applying for the rebate you can also request free water-efficient showerheads and tap aerators for additional water savings.

Who is eligible

  • Multi-residential properties in Waterloo Region connected to the municipal water supply
  • Property owners and managers submitting on behalf of the property and/or intending to replace the toilet flappers (not the toilets) in the building
  • Multi-residential properties include apartments, condominiums, student housing, duplexes and triplexes

Benefits of program

  • A quick rebate that results in instant savings
  • Option to request free water-efficient showerheads and tap aerators for additional water savings, if already planning to purchase toilet flappers
  • Use less water and lower your water costs. A leaky toilet flapper can silently leak up to 330 litres a day

How to receive the rebate

  1. Complete the Toilet Flapper and Fixture Replacement Rebate form or call 519-575-4000 (Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608)
  2. Purchase and install the toilet flappers
  3. The Region of Waterloo will mail you any requested showerheads and aerators
  4. After installation is complete, email toilet flapper receipts to the Region of Waterloo. The Region of Waterloo may request photos as proof of the installed toilet flappers.
  5. To receive the rebate, email the Region of Waterloo a void cheque or submit the completed direct deposit form
  6. You will receive the rebate by direct deposit after Region staff has confirmed the project is complete

Building-wide funding for toilet, showerhead and tap aerator upgrades

Receive funding to support the upgrading of your apartment building with water-efficient toilets, showerheads and tap aerators. This program is best suited for medium to large-sized apartment buildings interested in long-term savings.

Who is eligible

  • Medium to large-sized apartment buildings interested in long-term savings
  • Building in Waterloo Region connected to the municipal water supply
  • Property owners and managers submitting on behalf of the property
  • Projects including the replacement of all fixtures (toilets, showerheads, tap aerators) with water-efficient models

Benefits of program

  • Receive funding to support the project
  • Use less water and lower your water costs

How funding is calculated

  • Funding is based on project's invoiced costs, water savings achieved and the time for the project to pay for itself
  • Funding available is $0.40 per litre saved per day or less if the upgrades pay for themselves in under two years
  • Project managers often receive a rebate of 5 to 13 per cent of the project cost with water savings often providing long-term financial benefits.

Important: funding for this program can take two years to receive. To calculate the funding, the Region of Waterloo must determine water savings by comparing water billing data from the year before and after completion of the project. The Region receives yearly municipal water billing data each spring.

How to apply for funding

Important: funding for this program can take up to two years to receive. To calculate the funding, the Region of Waterloo must determine water savings by comparing water billing data from the year before and after completion of the project. The Region receives yearly municipal water billing data each spring.

  1. Complete the W.E.T. Program form or call 519-575-4400 (Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608)
  2. Replace all toilets, showerheads and tap aerators in the building
  3. After installation email the Region of Waterloo to calculate funding. This includes water savings using water billing data from the year before and after the project.
  4. To confirm the project is complete, email the Region of Waterloo invoices and/or receipts, installation reports (if applicable), project completion dates and voided cheque or completed direct deposit form
  5. Upon project approval, the Region of Waterloo will issue funding payment using direct deposit

Cost-sharing for water audits, consulting fees and sub-metering projects

Multi-residential properties can request funding to help pay for qualifying water-saving projects.

To apply for funding, complete the W.E.T. Program Multi-Residential Funding Application or call the Region of Waterloo at 519-575-4400 extension 3558 (Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608).

Water audits and consulting fees

A water audit can help better understand your property's water consumption and highlight issues.

Apply for 50 per cent funding (up to a maximum of $10,000) for water balance audits.

Sub-metering projects

Sub-metering data can help find problems and encourage water conservation measures by billing tenants for the water they actually use.

Apply for 50 per cent funding (up to a maximum of $10,000) for water sub-metering installations in apartment buildings and condominiums.

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