Water Supply Strategy

Water supply strategy

As residents and business owners in Waterloo Region, we are fortunate to know we can turn on our taps and expect clean, quality water. The Region is initiating an update to our Water Supply Strategy, to look at our current water supply sources, assess future water demand, and investigate possible new water sources. We will be considering a range of opportunities to ensure we can all continue to enjoy a safe and secure water supply.

What is this project about?

Safe drinking water is essential for our community. As our community continues to grow and evolve, our drinking water needs will change too. The Water Supply Strategy will develop and evaluate recommendations to meet future water supply needs in Waterloo Region to 2051.

How do I get involved?

We know people living and working in Waterloo Region are passionate and eager to help shape the future community water supply. You can follow and sign up for all our upcoming public consultation at EngageWR.ca/WaterSupply. You can also subscribe to this page to be notified of updates to this web page.

What are the key elements of the Water Supply Strategy?

The Water Supply Strategy will build on previous master plans, and will look at:

  • Current sustainable water supply sources and water demands.
  • Population growth and how it impacts future water demands.
  • The gap between today’s water supply and tomorrow's needs and resourcing that gap in a sustainable, efficient way.
  • The effect of climate change on our water supply resources.


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