Winter maintenance tools
Does your business apply winter salt?
Salt is a major drinking water quality concern. Winter salting practices at your business may require the completion of a risk management plan in compliance with the Grand River Source Protection Plan.
As your property is near a municipal drinking water well that has increasing chloride levels, the Region of Waterloo may require your organization to complete a winter maintenance risk management plan.
Free property review
For a limited time, the Region of Waterloo is offering free consultations to properties requiring a risk management plan. The 60 minute consultation occurs on your property at a time convenient to you. A Region of Waterloo representative will walk the property with you to identify actions to reduce salt use while maintaining winter safety.
Benefits of booking your free consultation
- Receive help completing your risk management plan worksheet
- Identify problem areas where ice forms in the winter
- Learn about solutions to manage potential slip and fall hazards
- Receive free winter maintenance resources
How to book your free consultation
Complete this form to find out if your business requires a risk management plan and qualifies for this free service.
Free winter maintenance resources |
The Region of Waterloo has resources available to support your winter maintenance plan including:
Educational webinars and videos |
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