Online Prenatal Program
The free online prenatal (before birth) program, InJoy Health Education, is a web-based and mobile-friendly platform that includes audio, videos, animations and games to help you learn about healthy pregnancy, labour and birth, breastfeeding and taking care of your newborn.
The free program has many accessibility features and is available for residents of Waterloo Region who are planning a pregnancy, are pregnant or have a new baby.
Program registration
Register by completing the online prenatal program registration form. Once completed, you will receive an email that includes a code to access the course. Codes to access the program are provided by email only. If you don't see the email within one business day, please check your "junk" or "spam" folder.
For questions about registering for the online prenatal program please call 519-575-4400.
Note: Your access code expires twelve months from the first time you access the program.
Register for the online prenatal program
Frequently asked questions
What topics are covered in the online prenatal program? |
The online prenatal program is comprised of four eClasses with multiple chapters in each.
How does the program work? |
Note: Your access code expires twelve months from the first time you access the program. |
What do I need to view the program? |
You will need a high speed internet connection on a Windows or Mac OS 10.5 or higher desktop, tablet or smartphone. We recommend using the Google Chrome web browser for best results, however Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari are all supported. Please ensure you are using the most current version. |
Who can I contact to help with any troubleshooting issues I may have? |
For help with account preferences, troubleshooting and other system requirements, please visit the InJoy support page. |
Is the program available in other languages? |
No, currently our online prenatal program is only available in English. However, you can get healthy pregnancy resources and information on our website that is easily translated into many languages. Visit Pregnancy and Baby's First Year - Region of Waterloo. |
Can the program be used by people living with disabilities? |
Yes, the program has a built-in accessibility tool with adjustable settings and preferences for learners with disabilities. This tool was developed in collaboration with people with disabilities and leading experts in accessibility and assistive technology. |
Where can I get more information and resources about pregnancy and baby’s first year? |
For more information and resources visit Pregnancy and Baby's First Year - Region of Waterloo. Region of Waterloo Public Health and local agencies offer a number of free programs, supports and services for pregnant/parenting individuals and/or their partners or supports: |
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