The Region of Waterloo provides curbside garbage collection to eligible households every other week. Garbage bag/can limits apply. Garbage is disposed at the landfill.
If your garbage was not collected:
- Check for an Oops! sticker. Collection crews may have left behind a sticker indicating a problem.
- If there is no sticker and your garbage was set out by 7 a.m. on your collection day for the correct week, leave your garbage at the curb and use the online form to report a collection concern or call the Call Centre at 519-575-4400 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).
What are the correct garbage containers to use? |
Garbage bags: ![]()
Tip! Use dark-coloured garbage bags. White garbage bags are difficult to see in the winter. Maximum weight for each bag or can: 23 kilograms (50 pounds) Containers that are not collected include over-sized wheeled carts, and large construction garbage bags. |
What goes in? |
No banned items or hazardous waste such as fluorescent tubes and curly light bulbs. No automotive parts, dead animals, electronic waste, hot ashes, liquids or needles/syringes. How to prepare broken glassThis includes broken glass jars and bottles, glass and ceramic dishware, light bulbs (incandescent and LED), strings of lights, small picture frame glass, small mirrors, metal cutlery including knives, saw blades, screwdrivers, and other small, sharp objects that can fit into a standard garbage bag.
For larger pieces, such as a large broken mirror,
Thanks for helping to keep collection crews safe! |
Collection schedule and rules |
Double garbage days |
Four times each year, after certain holidays (New Year's Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day), you can set out double the amount of garbage for free (no garbage tags are needed). Check the Waste Collection Calendar or the Waste Whiz app for specific dates. |
Garbage bag tags |
Each garbage bag or can set out for collection that is over the limit needs to have a Region of Waterloo garbage tag on it. Bags or cans beyond the limit that do not have garbage tags will not be collected. Garbage bags: Tie your garbage bag closed. Remove the tag from the backing and wrap it around the neck of the garbage bag, sticking tag ends together. Do not use the tag to seal the bag. Garbage cans: Remove the garbage tag from the backing and stick it on the very top bag in your garbage can. Do not place it directly on the garbage can. Garbage bag tags cannot be used on bulky items or at the Region's transfer stations. Note: On the back of each sheet of garbage bag tags, reference is made to the previous limit (4 bags/cans) for single family homes. Please note that as of Mon. Oct. 17, 2022, the new limit for single family homes is 3 bags/cans. These sheets will remain in use and circulation until our stock has been depleted. Garbage tags are $3 each and are sold in sheets of 5 for $15 online or at a vendor location. Tags do not have an expiry date. There is no refund for unused tags. Buy online Delivery could take up to four weeks. Buy at the following Regional and Municipal locations: Some locations may restrict access and/or services. Please contact the location or check their website for details regarding address and hours of operation.
Options for dealing with garbage and renovation waste |
Waste limits always apply even during moving and home renovations. Waste will only be collected if properly prepared and within the garbage and bulky item collection limits.
Wondering how to dispose of a particular item?
Contact Us