Winter Maintenance Resources

Free resources to download and order online that support your winter maintenance plan.

Health and safety

Display poster and window clings to promote winter safety.


How to order:


  • Display in employee areas
  • 8.5 inches x 11 inches
  • Two designs to choose from

winterize your feet posters

Window clings

How to order:


  • Attach to glass in visible location at entrances
  • Vinyl window cling, printed on one side, self-sticks to glass, removable at end of season
  • 5 inches x 7.5 inches
  • Four layouts to choose from
  • Application instructions
    • Clean and dry area on window where you will affix window cling
    • Peel off paper back
    • Apply to window. Window cling is one sided but should stick to window from printed or non-printed side.
    • Use a smooth edge such as a credit card to smooth out any air bubbles. Start in centre and slowly move out towards the edge.

Caution window decals

Training, record keeping and contracts

Keep good records to show you have taken reasonable steps to protect everyone on your property.

Salt training

Smart About Salt Council offers training for contractors and property owners.

Recording salt use at entrances and walkways

Post the Salt Record Keeping form by entrances to record salt used when icy and between contractor visits.

Record keeping log sheet

Refer to these sample activity logs to create your own log sheet to accurately measure winter maintenance activities and monitor the implementation of best practices. Tailor as needed according to circumstances.

Calibrating equipment

Calibrating equipment provides guidance on how to verify salt spreader application rates in order to ensure operators of spreading equipment area able to apply salt at application rates that are appropriate for the condition and level of service being sought. By understanding and recording the amount of salt being applied, contractors can better estimate their annual operational costs, apply salt responsibly and offer evidence of due diligence when challenged.

*Credit to Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program


If you contract out your winter maintenance, make sure your contract reflects your expectations. This should include:

  • Salt management training for everyone doing the work
  • Access to maintenance records so you know the work is done according to your contract
  • Specifying that salt is charged by unit price per event or lump sum per season to ensure a practical and economic use of salt
Additional resources:

Additional resources

Site preparations and best practices

Be ready for winter by following a complete winter maintenance plan. Designing your winter maintenance plan includes walking your property to understand where ice forms, and how to prevent it.

Free property review

Properties near municipal groundwater wells may need to follow a winter maintenance Risk Management Plan as a requirement of the Grand River Source Protection Plan, 2022 and Clean Water Act, 2006.

For a limited time, the Region of Waterloo is offering free property reviews to properties requiring a risk management plan. During t
he 60-minute consultation, a Region of Waterloo representative will walk the property with you to identify actions to reduce salt use while maintaining winter safety.

Complete this form to find out if your business requires a risk management plan and qualifies for this free service.

If your property does not require a risk management plan, you will be directed to an alternate planning worksheet you can use to design your winter maintenance plan.

Worksheet to assist with winter maintenance planning

Our winter maintenance planning worksheet can help identify areas to consider as part of your winter maintenance plan. Your winter maintenance plan should include:

  • Salt training for your team and hired contractor’s staff
  • Contracting salt by unit price per event or lump sum per season 
  • A plan to maintain good records in case of a slip and fall claim 
  • Walking your property to understand where ice forms, and how to prevent it
  • Identifying where to store plowed snow that keeps ice from forming across your parking lot due to melt and freeze weather
  • A plan to deal with ice when it is too cold for salt to work (around -10°C)
Watch our Winter Maintenance for Commercial Properties webinar recording for more ideas. Links to resources referenced during the webinar are available on this web page.

Reminder sticker for salt storage containers

How to order:


  • Attach to salt storage containers as a reminder about responsible salt use
  • 8 inches x 6 inches
  • Application instructions
    • Before applying sticker: Clean and thoroughly dry surface
    • Apply to salt storage bin lid or salt bucket

salt bin sticker

Sign to display at areas not receiving winter maintenance

Display the Area Closed sign at locations not receiving winter maintenance. Close off unneeded areas that do not block emergency exits, accessibility ramps or entrances. Examples of areas to close in the winter include overflow parking, seasonal patios, extra walkways and stairways.

Benefits may include:

  • Allows winter maintenance team to focus efforts on high traffic areas
  • Reduce winter maintenance costs and repairs from salt damage
  • Manage risk from potential slip and fall hazards
  • Reduce winter maintenance costs from plowing and salting
  • Offers location to store plowed snow

Sign specifications:

  • Size: 30 cm wide x 45 cm high (12 inches wide x 18 inches high)
  • Material: aluminum steel
  • Weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs.)
  • Display options: hang from chains, mount on post or attach to fence (property owner responsible for hardware to display sign)
  • Read the information sheet to learn more

How to order:

illustration of Area Closed sign

Additional resources

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