Health Services and Resources

Region of Waterloo Public Health and Paramedic Services works to build healthy and supportive communities in partnership.

Public Health services 
Public Health service standards 
We are committed to providing excellent service to our clients and the citizens of Waterloo Region. We promise to:
  • Take the time to listen and ask questions
  • Respond with care and empathy
  • Stay with an issue until it is addressed or find someone who can
  • Go the extra mile to deliver the best possible service experience even when the desired outcome cannot be achieved
  • Respond to issues or requests in a timely manner
  • Be flexible and accommodate individual circumstances where possible and practical
  • Recognize that every interaction makes a difference as service provided in one area impacts satisfaction in other areas

Service standards are a commitment to the level of service citizens and clients can reasonably expect when contacting us. These standards also help to ensure we are providing service that is timely, consistent and accessible.

Service Standards

We operate out of three main locations in the Region of Waterloo.

  • 20 Weber Street E., Kitchener N2H 1C3
  • 99 Regina Street S., Waterloo N2J 4G6
  • 150 Main Street, Cambridge N1R 6P9

For details on accessing Public Health services refer to the information found on individual service pages

Our Regional call centre is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

  • Phone: 519-575-4400
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608

We will ensure you always have the opportunity to provide feedback on our service, and we will act on complaints and requests and follow through to a resolution. 

We will provide services in a manner that is respectful, equitable and responsive to the range of diversity in the Region, including:

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Sexual orientation and
  • Disability

We will adhere to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the AODA) to ensure our programs, services, resources and facilities are accessible and inclusive for all. 

We will ensure your personal health information is protected.

Health services in our community 
Information for community partners 
Public Health research and data 
Public Health Governance 

Contact Us