Now Your Baby is Here
Bringing baby home means many changes in the family. Taking care of yourself is an important part of being able to care for and enjoy your newborn.
When to see a health care provider |
It is important that your baby is seen by a health care provider within 48 hours of leaving the hospital, at one week of age or as directed by your baby’s health care provider. Contact your health care provider if:
Dehydration Babies can quickly become dehydrated. They can either not get enough fluid or lose too much fluid. Signs your baby is dehydrated include:
If your baby is showing signs of dehydration, call your health care provider, visit the emergency department or find local care options in Waterloo Region. Newborn screening and follow-up After birth, the Newborn Screening Ontario program tests your baby for early detection of disease. Your baby will also have a hearing screen and a jaundice screen. |
Your body after childbirth |
Your body goes through physical changes during pregnancy and it will take some time for your body to recover after childbirth. You will also experience emotional changes in your new role as a mother and hormonal changes that happen after childbirth. See your health care provider within six weeks after birth to make sure your body is healing well. It is important to take time for yourself and your own health needs. Call your health care provider or go to the hospital emergency department or an urgent care clinic if:
It is important to take care of yourself when you are planning a pregnancy, are pregnant, have had a baby or are a new parent. All caregivers and family members (including fathers) can experience emotional difficulty during this transition.The following are some things you can do for self care:
A parent's mental health and wellness is important to the family's wellbeing. Talking with someone you trust about the way you are feeling can help you get the care you need. If you are experiencing stress or mental health concerns, you can find help from:
Baby blues Just a few days after giving birth, you may feel moody, weepy and irritable. This is called the baby blues. The baby blues are so common that they are considered to be normal. Baby blues usually start a few days after your baby's birth and last up to 14 days. Up to four in five new mothers experience baby blues in the first weeks after the birth of a baby or adoption. These feelings often go away on their own. If these feelings last longer than two weeks or get in the way of your activities, contact your health care provider. Perinatal mood disorders, also known as postpartum mood disorders, are more serious emotional ups and downs and affect one in five new mothers. You may feel:
If you feel like hurting yourself or your baby - get help right away:
This is not your fault. You are not alone. Help is available. |
Soothing your crying baby |
Crying is normal for babies. It is your baby's way of telling you something is wrong. Learn to recognize and respond to the early signs that your baby needs you. You can respond to the basic needs of your baby by:
If these needs are met and your baby is still crying try the following:
All babies go through a period early in life when they cry more than at any other time, but each baby is different and may be harder to soothe. Babies cry for many reasons, but never to make you angry. Never shake a baby, not even for a moment! Shaking your baby can injure their brain. If you are feeling frustrated or angry by your baby's crying, put the baby down in a safe place and ask someone to help you. |
Feeding your baby |
The World Health Organization, Health Canada and the Canadian Pediatric Society recommend exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months after your baby’s birth. Find more information on feeding your baby with the following resources: |
Connecting with your baby |
Your baby’s relationship with their caregivers is important. Babies learn and form attachments by taking in information through their five senses. What they experience affects their brain development. When you interact with your baby in a nurturing and responsive way it improves their lifelong physical and emotional health. Your bare chest is the best place for your baby to be. When you and your baby are skin-to-skin, they can hear you, smell you and see you. Skin-to-skin releases hormones in both the baby and parent that improve mood and bonding. Here’s how to do it: Place your baby wearing only a diaper, with their tummy on your (or your partner’s) bare chest. If you wish you can then place a light blanket over you and baby. Learn more about the benefits of skin-to-skin and connecting with your baby. |
Parenting support |
If you have questions about the health of your child, please contact your health care provider or Health 811.
Find more services on our parenting support page. |
Additional resources |
Pregnancy, birth and early parenting
Mental health
Growth and development
Sleep Postpartum |
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